Logging on to Tauk forums

To start with I am quite comfortable around computers, in the past I have built some from scratch etc.

I am running into a situation where I can not log onto the Tauck forums. I'll shut the computer down at night and then the following day all I get on the Tauk website is that I am a guest. Near the top though it even shows my name, but I am not logged on. There is NO place to log on with my info.

I need to clear all cookies from Tauck and then go to a general Tauck website where I eventually get a login box again.

Am I the only one experiencing this?


  • edited May 2015
    I too have been having the same problem. I had to log out, go to the Tauck home page and log in again before I could post a new question or a reply to another posting.

    I'm also wondering why I can't get into the Central Europe forums...specifically the Danube Reflections Westbound forum.
  • I am having the same logon issue. It definitely makes it more difficult to post. I hope Tauck resolves the probem soon.
  • edited May 2015
    Randomly happens to me, also. Sometimes it is my fault, however, when I forget to get out of Firefox's "Private Browsing" mode. I just log out and log back in again and all is fine.
  • Have also had the same problem for ages at random times. I just log out then log in again. Once I figured out what to do to get back in, I never thought any more about it, but I guess, yes, it is a pain.
  • My solution to the same intermittent problem is to logout via the top right hand button. Then I open the Forums page and log in there ... but not as a newbie. This usually works.

    I should say that we in Australia often have this problem and have in the past been locked out for very long periods. The Tauck wizards track down the issue to ... something to do with the geo thingy on the website. (All that's beyond me, except that Australian web users are very often afflicted with American hosts geo blocking us ... usually so that they can charge us double for the same products. Seriously.) Anyway, the Tauck wizards fixed it. But all you guys are in the States, aren't you? So it can't be the same issue ... can it?


  • It got so bad for me and it still is that I emailed Jan to see if the problem lay with my computer. I can log on by going around in circles but as soon as I leave the site and return I'm once again a "guest" on the forums although I'm still logged in elsewhere. I still can't identify any faults on my end and I'll wait and see if the Tauck IT wiz kidz can fix the problem.

  • One possibility is that Tauck is working on the forums or this is an unwanted side-effect of deleting and/or blocking the spammers and trolls.
  • I have found that if I forget to log off and come back at another time, it says that I am logged in but I am unable to post a reply. I figure that this is possibly a precaution so that someone else who might use my computer after I have left the Tauck site cannot post something under my name. All I do to be able to post is to log off and then log back in.
  • Kathy18 wrote:
    I have found that if I forget to log off and come back at another time, it says that I am logged in but I am unable to post a reply. I figure that this is possibly a precaution so that someone else who might use my computer after I have left the Tauck site cannot post something under my name. All I do to be able to post is to log off and then log back in.

    I used to have the same problem pretty much every time I closed the browser and turned off the computer. It would have a "Welcome Claudia" and Logout in the top toolbar but when I went to the forums it would say "Logged in as: guest" and I could only read the forum, not post anything. Same solution as Kathy's. Lately though this problem has mysteriously disappeared.

    Did have a cookies issue when trying to run the erroneously named "360 Virtual Tour of MS Treasures". Had to clear out all cookies then it would let me run it.

  • edited June 2015
    Still have the same problem off and on. I use the Mozilla Firefox browser and it saves all log-ins and passwords and automatically enters them.

    What I have found is that if I just log-on at the top line it says I'm logged on but as soon as I go to a forum I just show as a GUEST only.

    By accident I have now found that if I first click on the LOG-in line in the middle of the webpage but do not enter anything but then log in at the top line, Firefox will enter the info into both and I show up as logged on!

  • You may or may not have noticed that I haven't posted for quite a while and it is simply because of what has been discussed above. I simply can't remain totally signed on. I appear to be signed on but when I go to the forums I'm listed as a guest and can't post. I finally go around in circles and eventually sign on to the forums but if I exit the site and return later the merry-go-round starts all over again. This has become so frustrating that unless I have an answer to a specific topic then I simply don't bother with the hassle.
  • I do not have problems with my desk computer, just with my phone or iPad. Maybe it is a mobile device thing. So I just go upstairs to my real computer. It is a nuisance, though.
  • It happens on computer or iPad and when I look back, this is not a new problem, it has happened for a long long time, as I said previously, I thought it was just a problem I was getting but clearly it isn't.
  • I've been "logged" off a few times recently, even though the tab at the extreme top right says otherwise. I've solved the problem by "logging off" from that tab at the top and logging back in from the Forums page, using the tab in the centre of the page. A similar method to RGM2's solution.

    Just think .... way back in the 80s they told us computers were here to help us. They would make life easier They would create a paperless office. Sigh. You win some, you lose some.


  • Just proved it out to myself.

    Clicked the "Log in to your account" in the middle of the page WITHOUT entering anything there. Then to the top of the page where you get the "Guest/Agent" log-in. There my Firefox entered the required info into BOTH log ins.

    Bingo Presto all is well.

    Previously I cleaned all TAUK cookies to no avail.
  • edited June 2015
    Hey folks,

    I just wanted to let you know, I've passed on your comments and the calls and emails that have come in about this issue to the IT team, and they're planning a fix that should stop this from happening.

    In the meantime, if you're logged in on the extreme top right, but NOT logged in on the forums (as seems to be the most commonly stated issue here) that can be fixed by logging out on the extreme top right and logging back in in the same place.
    I'd advise, for simplicity's sake, you conduct logging out and logging back in from the Tauck homepage, which can be reached anywhere on our site by clicking on the Tauck 90 logo in the top left.

    Please remember, also, that our web support team is also always here to help with issues like this. You can contact us by calling the main Tauck number during standard business hours and requesting to speak to us, or by emailing us at esupport@tauck.com

    Thanks for your patience, everybody!

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