Making connecting flight from Rome to Naples on arrival day

Just got a flight time change which leaves us about 55 min between our arrival in Rome and our departure to Naples. Anyone know if this is realistic and if we do miss our flight to Naples the best way to get there from Rome?

Elayna and Bill


  • A few questions which would help us give advice:

    - Did you book your own air or is this through Tauck? If the latter, they should assist you if you misconnect. If the former, you can often get a free change from your airline to a later connecting flight if a schedule change cuts the connection time.

    - WRT the connection, are you flying from outside Europe (from the US, I'd guess) to Rome? If so, you'll have to clear EU immigration there which will add some time. Usually, but not always, you'd clear customs at your final arrival in Europe (Naples) which means you won't have to reclaim and recheck your luggage in Rome.

    - Have you looked at air schedules between Rome and Naples, especially on your booked carrier? I'm guessing there are quite a few flights and you'd likely be automatically rebooked to a later flight if you misconnect. (Or, per the first bullet above, you could try to change it now--ensuring a seat--if you can parlay the schedule change to a free change to a safer connection).

    All of this is why we try not to arrive overseas on the day of departure. Even if it works out fine (the very most likely case), you'll have some additional angst at the start of your vacation.
  • Heartily agree Portolan
  • Call airline if booked on your own. That happened to me one time and I was going to get in to late. Was able to get airline to get me there in time for family gathering that night.
  • Yup, call the airline. They should make the change and not charge a change fee.
  • Portolan, in answer to your questions we did book our flights separately through AMEX. We are flying from JFK to Rome on Alitalia. The connecting flight is also on Alitalia on a much smaller plane perhaps a commuter type flight. I will call and see if we can get a later connection to insure a seat if possible.

    We are arriving a day early but would much rather spend the day exploring in Sorrento, stress free, than trying to make arrangements once on the ground in Rome and losing the day.

    Thank you ALL for the advice.
  • We just flew from Houston to Naples - with a connecting flight in Paris. We had an hour to catch the flight to Naples. Well it was impossible ! Plane was a little late and we missed the flight. So we had an 11 1/2 hour layover until we could get on another flight ???????????? It was bad ! And we were in the Sky lounge. Didn't sleep for 36 hours.
    We arrive in Sorrento by car / driver at 1:30 in the morning. Had to sleep most of the next day and missed some sights.

    We will be flying again from Houston to Nice with a connecting flight in Paris. It allowed 1 hour 15 minutes to connect. No way ! We opted to book the next one which gave us 3 1/2 hour layover. I won't be worried the entire flight and we can relax and eat etc. Will never book an international connection with just an hour leeway again.
    Your situation may be different , but oh my goodness , I wouldn't wish what happened to us on anyone ! Better safe than sorry. Safe travels ????

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