What happened to the other thread I started?
Was it deleted for some reason? I had started it a few days ago. I have emailed support to find out why it may have been removed. There was lots of important information that others shared with me that I had not even gotten a chance to copy for future reference. Thanks for any info anyone might have about why my entire thread was apparently deleted. I am quite disappointed.
Wow, that is a strange one. I couldn't find it under Active Discussion nor the Amsterdam to Budapest by Riverboat Forum either! You didn't think it was dupe and delete it by mistake did you? The last post with my name as last poster still shows in the "Last Post" column but the link is dead- when you click on it you get this alert - "Invalid. You have passed and invalid value to the forum." . It also doesn't show up in a search.
That indicates to me that the post no longer exists. Maybe Tim at Tauck eSupport ( esupport@tauck.com ) can shed some light on what happened.
Thanks for checking it out. Talk about "Twilight Zone"! As to accidentally deleting, I don't recall doing anything that might have done that. Even so, I'm not even sure if it's possible for any one of us to delete an entire thread. I did email the support address you mentioned. But, I suppose if it's gone it's gone. No real big deal, although I did intend to sift back through everything and copy/paste what I wanted to save. I tried to recall and jot down from memory the salient points that you and others brought up. The thread had generated some really good replies...never to be seen again I suppose LOL
Me neither. Maybe the support personnel will have some idea why it was removed. Guess I must ask too many questions LOL
We're looking into it. I'm not sure (yet) what happened myself, but we're trying to figure it out. No one here would have wiped out a thread full of good information deliberately, so it's possible someone here made a mistake and simply clicked the wrong button. It's also possible that there may have been a technical problem of some kind that might have caused it. We're looking into it, and we'll let you know.
Keith, I've emailed you back; please respond whenever you're free to.
Does anyone else have any information, by the way? The only topic that I can see Keith has started recently, besides this thread, is the "What about using Tauck's insurance program?" thread, located here: https://www.tauck.com/yaf/default.aspx?g=posts&t=9973 -- I'm assuming this conversation is referring to a thread other than that one?
Though the actual thread was gone it was still listed in the Amsterdam to Budapest by Riverboat Forum "Latest Post" column as of last night, but now it is no longer there, either. The listing may have still appeared to me due my cache, however. Also, for the life of me I can't remember the title of the thread- three4rd will need to help us on that. The original thread probably had at least 8 - 10 posts (two of which were mine).
Other than an admin action*, technical issue or hack, the only way I can think an entire thread might disappear is if the original poster edits (deletes) his original post which might cause the whole thread to disappear. I will try that on the general discussion forum and report back.
Update: I just did the test- even if the original post is deleted, all replies and the title remain. So this incident had to be caused by one of the other reasons I mentioned. Tim, is the forum backed-up daily?
*inadvertent or intentional. We've had a number of spammers of late and maybe an admin deleted it, though I doubt they would have deleted an entire thread.
I just found another thread that was deleted (both posts were pure spam- "Which Domestic Airline is Best in India. . . ") but it is still listed. The title still appears on the "Travel Forums Home" "Forum," "Forum General" in the "Last Post" column of "General Discussion" despite the thread having been deleted.
The specific thread doesn't show up in a search using "embarkation'. It really appears to be gone.
I'm actually not sure of the answer to that question, but I will be working on Monday with some of our developers to check the forum logs and see if we can figure out what happened, and can find out the answer to that then. No one here would have deleted a thread like this deliberately, nor do any of us recall going in and deleting spam in the rough timeframe when it sounds like this thread disappeared, so it's most likely some kind of technical glitch, with a human error type accident as an outside possibility. We'll find out more come Monday, and either be more careful when cleaning up spam or take whatever action is necessary to ensure a technical glitch doesn't occur again.
In the meantime, you might want to 1) read the complete (all tabs) "Before You Go" section for this trip and 2) go back through and read the Forum archives for this trip- there are 6 pages of separate threads, some of them 3 or more pages long with as many as 41 separate posts per thread, in the "Amsterdam to Budapest by Riverboat Forum." (Guess what? I found answers to every one of your questions!)
When researching a trip, I open up a blank MSWord document and the appropriate forum archive in separate windows. I go through each thread (many are of the "Who is going" type, outdated, or have 0 replies, which I quickly zip through) and when I find ones with substance, I copy the salient points and paste them into my word document. A few months out, I check for new threads and update it. I go through this document as I do my initial planning (side trips, advance tickets, etc.), again a few months before departure (VISA info, restaurants, etc.) and again a week or so before departure (packing suggestions, last minute details, etc.). I just updated my Peru & the Galápagos Islands document (we leave at the end of March)
This may seem like a lot of work (maybe even a bit OCD ) but I find it enjoyable, it helps pass the time until the departure, it can reveal new possibilities, and often helps me avoid unwanted surprises. Throughout the process I post questions which haven't yet been answered.
Yeah, the index page was still in your iPad's cache, but the thread is indeed gone. If you go back to the index page and do a 'reload' it will probably be gone from the index as well.
Thanks AlanS...I had read through a good part of the posts but not all. I certainly have time since our trip isn't till October! I actually enjoy the research as well, but probably not to the extent that you do it. As some say, the planning of the trip can be as exciting as the trip itself. I'll certainly check out all pertinent info before going. Right now I have South America and Antarctica to think about since that is coming up alot sooner.
No...the South America and Antarctica is all the same trip - a cruise with Celebrity...what is typically known as a "drive-by". I'm sure the expeditionary trips to Antarctica are great, but we just didn't want to go that route with the zodiac landings, etc. Also I like that the itinerary gets to stop at some places in SA besides just Antarctica. I've done several land trips with Tuack though. The AMS-BUD will be our first river cruise.