Wind turbines

Did anyone see wind turbines on the Best of Ireland tour?
If so, did you sleep in any locations anywhere near wind turbines?
If so, did you spend any portion of your day/s near any wind turbines?
I don’t travel anywhere near wind turbines
Thank you


  • We did this tour in 2018 - - I don't remember any wind turbines but I wasn't looking specifically for them.

    Why do you not travel anywhere near wind turbines? Is it the sound of the blades?

  • I did this tour last year. I definitely did not sleep near wind turbines and don't recall having seen any. But, of course, things can change from year to year anywhere in the world.

  • I think there are some weird theories out there about turbines.

  • Never noticed any and I doubt Tauck tracks whether tours go near or sleeps near them. Most of the hotels on tour are in cities or golf resorts not farms or coastal regions where offshore turbines are located. But something like 36% of electricity generated in Ireland is from wind turbines so it's certainly possible you'll be near (you didn't define near) wind turbines.

  • LG349 just joined the forum and this is their first post. Hmmmm???

  • Just google "wind turbine conspiracy theories" and you'll see what's up.

    I wonder if the OP hasn't responded yet because he's now on his around the world cruise sponsored by the flat earth society?

  • Thank you for any of the kind and helpful comments. I’ve been on a fairly significant number of Tauck tours. Unfortunately it’s true and not a conspiracy theory. Wind turbines make people sick. Some of the symptoms are quite serious. It’s actually the infrasound and low frequency noise. Look it up. I really didn’t need any rude or crude posts. I’m a decent person looking for honest information. This is my first post and it will be my last.

  • LG349 - Please do not allow the rude, immature and self-serving attitudes of some to keep you away from this travel forum. There are many, many here who can write about travel, share their experiences, offer wonderful insight and do so with grace and dignity. I saw nothing wrong with your post. If you do take the tour, I hope you have a wonderful time.

  • The infrasound theory has not been proved by scientific study by experts such as Audiologists. I think you can call Tauck and ask them, it’s perfectly reasonable but I doubt they will have a clue, it’s not a usual enquiry . Best to do your own thorough research before booking

  • You could.always use Google Earth to visually check out the tour sites. Its hard for anyone to fully answer for you not knowing how near is too near and how long an exposure is too much. Its a lovely tour. Nice people and good food.

  • edited August 2024

    Carl Sagan popularized the aphorism, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

    I’d have to see some extraordinary evidence about the health dangers of wind turbines before I’d accept such health claims

  • Some of you are so 'humorous'!

  • By the way, I just did this trip and yes I saw wind turbines and they did not bother me.

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