Medical insurance proof to enter Czech Republic
I am leaving next week to do The Blue Danube river cruise Eastbound. We fly into Prague. I was reading in the forms that Tauck gave us, that the Czech Republic requires that you have proof of medical insurance to enter their country. Does anyone know what you have to carry with you for proof of medical.
Has anyone been asked for proof when entering the Czech Republic. I just read this and I'm a little bit concerned.
I haven't been on this forum in a while, as this is my first time traveling again with Tauck since covid.
I hope someone who has been there can help me. Thank you.
I was on the same trip last year and was never asked about my medical insurance. But maybe things have changed. I would check US State Department website for guidance.
The Tauck insurance should cover it and if you are under the age of 65 then your US medical insurance will also cover you. It’s a long time since we were in the area.
We carried copies of our Tauck policy if or when we might be asked for it.
I was never asked to show proof of medical coverage when I went to the Czech Republic, but I had taken travel medical insurance and could have shown proof.
Note that Medicare does not cover you outside of the United States and possessions.
While Medicare doesn't cover you outside the US, your secondary insurance proabably does. I have Plan N and it covers up to 50K. Also, my Chase Sapphire Reserve has medical and evacuation coverage.
That said, I was there about 8 years ago and nobody asked.
Hasn’t this topic been discussed before BKMD. Our secondary insurance does not cover us for abroad. We don’t rely on extra insurance coverage from credit cards either.
British - Just about every topic has been covered multiple times before. But the people who don't post/read regularly don't know how to search on the forum nor use google.. Just think about all the nonsensical "what's the w3eather like in xxx?" posts
Do you have a standard medigap plan for your secondary? If so, check this chart for benefits: