Covid test entering Portugal

Exploring the Douro with Madrid and Lisbon.
What happens if there is a positive Covid test


  • To finish my thought (hit enter by mistake). What does Tauck do if someone tests positive with no symptoms upon the tours entrance into Portugal. Do they leave you to fend for yourself? Air tickets, hotel etc.

  • Well. One thing for sure is you won’t be able to get on any plane or back into the US. So I guess it’s up to the Portuguese authorities. Maybe call Tauck. But they seem to be evading the question.

  • edited August 2021

    I disagree with the belief that Tauck is being evasive. Their updates clearly state that they will follow the direction and protocols of the host country should a guest become ill and/or test positive for the virus. This is also mentioned in their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

    I guess for some it is a lot easier to spread misinformation than to read the facts that are readily and repeatedly made available by Tauck.

  • This is the most that Tauck says

    If a guest shows symptoms of COVID-19 while on a tour, will they be required to take a test? What happens with the other guests? Will they have to quarantine?

    We will follow our existing policy of taking care of the guest as we would any sick guest. Our staff, in conjunction with local authorities will work with the guest to determine if testing is required. We will follow the policies of local authorities regarding the testing of other guests, required quarantines, etc. Coverage for medical costs depends on the individual insurance of each guest as well as the regulations of the local government

    There is no answer to a question of what happens if some tests positive, it just says shows symptoms.

  • edited August 2021

    Between what Tauck is not saying, or can't say because frankly they don't know, is only conjecture. How strict the country in question will follow their own policy guidance and what happens if the policy changes after the start of the tour, are unknown and may never be known, until someone is actually in that situation. The pandemic and policies are fluid and often changing daily. I trust Tauck will attempt to do as much as they can, but who knows what that may entail for every given situation. You pay your price and take your chance.

    What is troubling to me is that it has been reported that the Delta variant is transmitted easier than the flu and can be carried and easily transmitted by those who have been vaccinated but are infected and are carriers, but show no symptoms. I haven't seen any numbers stating how long it takes for a vaccinated person to test positive after they have been exposed to an infected person.

  • Tauck does answer what will happen if someone tests positive. Please read all of their guidance.

    Nor is Tauck providing an opinion based upon incomplete information (definition of conjecture in its simplest form.)

    Rather, in my opinion, Tauck is doing an extraordinary job in attempting to keep us apprised of a very fluid situation. They cannot possibly keep up-to-date on every regulation in every country, region, city, town, et al.

    Yes, I have paid my price for my upcoming trips, but I am certainly not taking my chance. I will protect myself, others, and I am positive that Tauck will have my best interests and health in mind throughout my tours.

  • edited August 2021

    Nor is Tauck providing an opinion based upon incomplete information (definition of conjecture in its simplest form.)

    I guess they are clairvoyant to say now what will happen next week or next month. Don't get me wrong, I think Tauck will attempt to do the best they can, but it is truly out of their hands- it is up to COVID, the country in question, the airlines, the US, etc.

    Remember Jennifer Tombaugh's predictions from 2020??? They didn't come true.

  • How terribly sad that there are those who insist on ridiculing Tauck for their efforts to keep their customers apprised of current situations. No, they are not clairvoyant, nor have they ever implied that. Instead of blaming others, I take full responsibility for my own actions in attempting to eradicate this global health issue. It is also quite telling to ridicule Ms. Tombaugh for comments she made long before this deadly variant surfaced. Very telling and truly appalling.

  • How sad there are people who too often miss the point and like to attribute words, thoughts or motivations where there are none. Since you seem to be inclined to do so, maybe you should look up the definition of ridicule!

    I did not ridicule Ms. Tombaugh, but was just pointing out, she like many, many others, were, in hindsight, a bit too hopeful and premature speculating about or believing other's predictions about the course of the pandemic, even discounting Delta! There were only very few who would even come anywhere close to predicting the shameful, or as some say criminal, response to the need to wear masks and get vaccinated or the appearance and effects of the Delta variant. Experts are predicting that as long as large numbers of people remain unvaccinated, the probability that another variant could surface with possibly more severe impact, increases with time. Since you seem to have it all figured out, maybe you should write Tauck's policy so all possible situations are covered.

  • Concur Alan. We all kind of think 2022 will somehow be better but who knows.

    I too wish we could have clear answers on the "what ifs" but with dealing with the changing situation and each countries response (not to mention communication of rules) it's pretty hard. Am currently tracking both Switzerland and France's rules for entry, return to US testing costs, what happens if you test positive, etc. and not getting very clear answers even from their government websites. Add to that requirements to transit airports - Heathrow still requiring neg test, Amsterdam not but who knows it could change. And yes, I get moments like yesterday when I almost wish both our trips were canceled and I didn't have to think about it all. But still hanging in there hoping for a great adventure.

  • No, I do not have it all figured out. But I do know that Tauck does their best in attempting to keep us apprised of a situation they have no control over. Some people are simply not happy unless they have something to complain about or something to lecture others on.

  • edited August 2021

    "No, I do not have it all figured out. But I do know that Tauck does their best in attempting to keep us apprised of a situation . . . "

    I believe you are also

    "some people"


    "complain about something"

    (and others) and without doubt, attempt to

    "lecture others."

    You might want to give it a rest.

    I'm glad you realize you agree with me :D

    I believe I said,

    ". . . . I think Tauck will attempt to do the best they can, but it is truly out of their hands- it is up to COVID, the country in question, the airlines, the US, etc."

  • We have taken 15 trips with Tauck. They are just the best! We are scheduled on September 16th trip on the Douro. Saddened to hear of Spain/Portugal level 4 entry level. If it does not change, I am sure they will cancel.

  • The Tauck/“Wind Surf” trip “Treasures of Spain and Portugal” is in progress. They are currently on their way from Mallorca to Cartagena. Tauck did not cancel.

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