Telephone Number

Hi, does anyone know the telephone number for Tauck's (Scylla's actually) ship Esprit? It should be included on the tour's itinerary.
Many thanks!


  • It will be in your final tour documents emailed to you. If you have any hotel stays those numbers will also be listed.

  • Thanks for your reply I am scheduled to sail on the Treasures soon and I have their telephone number. I don't have tour documents for the Esprit, hence the question. Anyone else?

  • Are you working with a Travel Agent? If so call the TA. You should have received your documents via a link (not an attachment) contained in an email from Tauck with a subject line: Important Pre-Departure Tour Documents, Update to Your Itinerary, etc. At the bottom of the email will be a green bubble link that says "Get Document." The final documents will be in PDF format.

  • I've never seen the ship's phone number anywhere except the tour final documents - what used to be called the Green Book but is now emailed to you. If you're traveling on the MS Treasures I'm confused why you'd need the number for the Espirit.

  • Maybe Andrew is sailing on both ships?

  • That is what I now think. He got his eGreen Book for the cruise on Treasures doesn't have one for his cruise on Esprit. We don't know his departure so have no way of knowing if he should have received the eGreen Book for that cruise.

  • We were on the MS Esprit last year. At that time the phone number was 31654968855.

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