
Has anyone used a driver or guide in Santiago, Chile?

We'll be in Santiago a few days before the Patagonia trip in October. Has anyone used a driver or guide there that you can recommend?
Also, any other tips about the city, surrounding regions or favorite restaurants would be helpful.
Thank you!


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    We had a Viator guide to take us to a vineyard, sorry can’t recall the name but the vineyard was affiliated to Manchester United and I bought my son club scarf. It was a lovely day. Beware, the traffic around Santiago is terrible.

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    We had a cool guide, Ignacio (aka "Natcho") who was terrific for a walking tour of Santiago. He is with citytrekkingguide.com It is possible we booked actually through Viator but we often do Tours by Locals. Liked him a lot.

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    I just found the winery we visited. It mentions it is an hour drive from the city

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    This is the little museum we walked to

    La Chascona" ("La Chascona" House- Museum)

    "La Chascona", Pablo Neruda's house in Santiago
    Address: 0192 Fernando Marquez de la Plata St., Barrio Bellavista. "La Chascona" is the name with which the Chilean Nobel Prize for Literature Neftali Reyes Basoaldo, (better known as Pablo Neruda), called to the house he had in Santiago. This House- Museum is a great attraction for visitors because apart from its rich history, culture and valuable documents, holds collections brought from around the world by the famous poet. This National Monument is located in the bohemian Barrio Bellavista, near the San Cristobal Hill, one of the areas most visited by tourists in Santiago, with many bars, restaurants and cultural centers.

    Open: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 to 18:00 (from March to December)
    Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 to 19:00 during (January and February

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    We arrived early for our Essence of South America tour -- which at the time started in Santiago. We were traveling with friends and wanted to go to Valpariso and Vina del Mar. I emailed the hotel concierge and he arranged for a private car and driver. We all had a great time. The concierge also recommended Enotour as another option.

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    We arranged in advance, though the hotel concierge, a tour of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar with a private guide. As they made all the arrangements, I don't have details. It was very good.

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    The hotel prices for these tours are very high compared to some of the prices I have seen advertised on TripAdvisor. citytrekkingguide.com as noted by mazalea has reasonable prices and I very much appreciate that tip. We're looking to hire a city guide for a few hours the first day, then a driver for 2 days, without running up huge costs. Thanks also for the tip about the Pablo Neruda house, I do wish to go there (Il Postino is one of my favorite movies--love to find the Italian connection everywhere!)

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    Double check your itinerary. On our tour we did visit Pablo's home.

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    Yes on my tour we also visited Pablo's home.

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