"Facilities" on bus, Week in Scotland

As we age emergencies occasionally come up. Does anyone know if the bus used on the "Week in Scotland - small group tour" contains the appropriate facility to handle such emergencies? Thanks!


  • This is just for fun because I do not know the answer, but when in Scotland you must ask where the toilet is, there is no need to say bathroom or facilities, they might even refer to it as the bog. In any case, because of their accent you might not understand what they say anyway.
  • Assuming they use the standard sized tour buses, yes it should have a toilet on board. It's awkward to get into/out of and very cramped. Sometimes the TD may stress it's for emergencies only (on our Scotland/Wales/England tour) or you can use if you want (just finished Ireland)

    You may want to call Tauck and confirm they won't be using a smaller bus just to be sure.

    Generally the TDs are pretty good at planning toilet breaks.
  • We just returned from the Small Group, Week in Scotland tour and yes, the bus has a potty on board for emergencies. Tauck is also great about scheduling regular bathroom breaks on their land tours so you have nothing to worry about at all. This is a GREAT tour! We loved it and can't say enough good things about the hotels, tours, tour guides, tour director (Susan Hermann was fantastic!), scenery etc etc. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them for you. Have a great trip!
  • We just returned from the Small Group, Week in Scotland tour and yes, the bus has a potty on board for emergencies. Tauck is also great about scheduling regular bathroom breaks on their land tours so you have nothing to worry about at all. This is a GREAT tour! We loved it and can't say enough good things about the hotels, tours, tour guides, tour director (Susan [Employee Name] was fantastic!), scenery etc etc. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them for you. Have a great trip!

    Hi Celia. I would like to know if the tour bus used a lot of fragrance usually coming from the front of the bus.. Some buses are adding heavy fragrance being spurted in the air every 15 or 20 minutes. I have been on 3 trips with Tauck tours to Europe and never had the problem. I just returned from a tour in South America and it was so bad your clothes absorbed the smell and you couldn't breath. I am considering this tour and would like to know if you noticed.
    Thanks. Brenda
  • Hi Celia. I would like to know if the tour bus used a lot of fragrance usually coming from the front of the bus.. Some buses are adding heavy fragrance being spurted in the air every 15 or 20 minutes. I have been on 3 trips with Tauck tours to Europe and never had the problem. I just returned from a tour in South America and it was so bad your clothes absorbed the smell and you couldn't breath. I am considering this tour and would like to know if you noticed.
    Thanks. Brenda

    I've been on 7 Tauck land (bus) tours including England, Scotland, and Wales, Best of Ireland, and Peru & Galapagos, and never experienced added "fragrance." If you ever encounter it, just a quick word to the TD should fix it, especially since some people are allergic to such.
  • We recently returned from a South America tour and yes We has that overpowering fragrance, I cannot remember if it was in every bus, but I am pretty sure it must be just a South Amercan thing. I did not like it but just never thought to ‘complain’ about it which I guess was silly n my art as I am sure I was not the only one who found it too much and I guess it ould easily be stopped.
    Having lived in Scotland, I very much doubt there will be fragrances, golly, I bet men still don’t even wear deodorant there????????????
  • I was on the same trip to S. America as British, but a month later. No fragrance on our buses.

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