Luggage on Classic Italy Tour - Not the Small Tour

We have read many posts and we are still wondering with 1 checked bag each, do we want to take a carry-on with wheels or just a tote we can stow under our airline seat? In addition to the 1 checked-bag each, we were expecting to take a wheeled-carry-on, because we were going to pack an extra day of clothing in case our luggage was lost (see, told you we read many posts). But now we realize we are only getting 1 each Tauck luggage tag for our checked luggage. Does that mean we are responsible for getting the wheeled-carry-on to the bus everyday when we switch hotels? This carry-on multiplied by how many couples on our tour, is there even enough room for this on the bus? What is the average luggage per person ratio on a 14+ day trip? Does Tauck take care of these carry-on's, too? Thank you.


  • The rule is one checked bag each, some people break the rule but it depends on your tour director whether you have to lug a wheeled carry on or not. Experienced travelers travel light. I have never taken a wheeled carry on, just a small backpack, and often fit two changes of clothing in that plus camera, iPad, book, etc. it can be done, even for a two week trip without needing to get laundry done.
  • Thank you so much. Hubby will appreciate! (I was reading some posts where people are taking multiple pieces, and I'm just not seeing how sensible that is for such a tour.)
  • We each take one suit case, my wife also carries a purse and a tote (with emergency clothes and stuff for the flights- magazines, iPad, sewing). I take a “man purse” with headphones, iPad, DSLR camera, and sometimes a GoPro. We have never had a problem not having enough clothes (that includes on Classic Italy)
  • Been on 5 Tauck coach tours and ion every tour we had travelers that had both a large checked suitcase and a small wheeled carryon. There was never no problem storing the carry on wheeled baggage in the bus along with the checked luggage. always was room in the bus’s storage area.
  • We've done 3 river cruises and 2 land tours. Never a problem with extra bags on the cruises as they have few luggage transfers. Like many people on flights out of the country, I carry a "personal item" and a Carry On bag with extra clothing, meds, electronic chargers, etc. It used to be a non-wheeled tote but is now a very small wheelie bag - the type that can fit under an airline seat and is small enough to fit on top of my checked bag. I have the convenience of wheels but it's actually smaller than the bag I used to take.

    On both European land tours, the TD offered special tan Carry On Luggage Tags for anything you wanted to carry down to the bus on hotel transfer days. The driver stowed them in a separate compartment under the bus and had them out and ready next to the bus as soon as we arrived. The ONLY problem was in a few hotels where they greeted us with drinks, snacks, hot hand towels, etc and I was trying to juggle my on bus tote, my little wheelie, room keys, etc. A small price to pay.

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