Train trip from Milan to Basel

Is there a lunch included in the train reservation for the trip from Milan to Basel? If lunch is not included, I have to assume there would be food available for purchase. In that case, would we use Euros, Swiss Francs, or credit card?


  • Probably any of the above! :)

  • Do you mean the Rhine Enchantment cruise?

  • Sorry, Yes the Rhine Enchantment cruise.

  • Just took this cruise. A boxed lunch is provided, sandwich etc

  • We've noticed several times that while the itinerary lists the B,L,D codes for meals, that isn't necessarily what happens. Tauck is always more generous than expected. On the Seine Plus London/Versailles cruise the travel day from Paris to London on Eurostar didn't include lunch but we were served a very nice lunch on the train. I had expected we'd need to bring our own lunch (as we did on the train from Paris to Lyon for French Waterways) so was pleasantly surprised not to have to bother.

  • edited August 2019

    Yup, Tauck won't let you starve. On a number of occasions, Tauck has handed us cash, made other arrangements, etc. when circumstances made it difficult to eat on our own. Most recently, on B,SA,A our flight from Maun to Cape Town, it was a travel day but lunch was "on our own"- Tauck provided box snacks/lunches and we were served a meal on the plane. Dinner in Cape Town was also supposed to be "on our own" but since the flight was delayed and we arrived a bit late to go in search of a place to eat, our TD arranged for us to dine on Tauck's dime at Reuben's, the main restaurant at the One & Only, our hotel. We made out on that deal! :)

  • My wife and I experienced the Milan to Amsterdam cruise this past May. Two comments: (1) passenger dressing behavior has deteriorated significantly over the years that we have traveled with Tauck -- jeans, polo shirts for the men at dinner and the "dress" occasions really affected the quality of the experience, and (2) stopping at Dusseldorf while bypassing Cologne is a definite mistake.


  • edited December 2019

    We took this tour this year too. Times have changed and I don’t think it matters that much. It’s more important to me that I travel with pleasant, interesting people. I made the effort to dress nicely for dinner, but a lot didn’t. I do hate having to pack things I will be wearing for just a couple of hours over dinner. And quite frankly, what offends me more is traveling with fellow passengers who’s body odor is so bad it makes me feel ill which has happened several times to us.

  • Stagecoach, not sure you missed anything wrt Cologne. Our first Rhine cruise didn't include it either and I thought we'd missed out. Then this past June we did the Budapest to Amsterdam cruise which did include Cologne. I was underwhelmed. The church was interesting enough but the one museum i wanted to visit in our free time -the Roman History museum - was closed for renovations. The only other options were a modern art museum or trying some local beer. We opted to walk back to the ship and strolled over to the chocolate museum. Entrance fee is pricy but the gift shop wonderfully stocked with chocolate.

    I'm with British on the dress code. No one's clothing has ever ruined a tour for me but obnoxious behavior has me heading the other way.

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