Motor coaches ?

Leaving on Friday for Jordan. Does anyone know if the motorcoach will have USB for charging an I phone? For pictures only don't plan on using it for anything else.


  • thank you so much... I have a power bank somewhere... Thank you forgot about that option.

  • some hotels will offer one as well... if avail. , but it's better to take your own.

  • On the other hand it could be like the motor coach we had on Classic Italy- USB & power outlets and working WiFi! Won’t know until someone on the early departures checks in. Where are they!?!?

  • They might be different coaches, but our coaches in Jordan on the Israel and Jordan tour last September didn't have USB, power outlets, or WiFi.

  • Any time you may get new coaches or substitutes coaches, so don’t rule out a chance of these things on the tour. Most electronics, phone, camera, iPad will last a day. I have only ever had my camera die once even in Africa, Galapagos etc, the big photo places. Even phone for photos. And phone calls are not allowed on the buses with Tauck.

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