Australia & NZ tour coming home early

Friends on the Australia & NZ trip just reported on Facebook that they are coming home- New Zealand denied them entry. I wonder what will happen to others currently on tour? Will British ever make it home?


  • That’s a huge bummer for your friends, to go all that way and not to get to experience New Zealand. It’ll be hard to go all that way again to pick up just New Zealand.

  • Thanks Alan, meanwhile we are off to the jungle!

  • Coronavirus: New Zealand PM says all arrivals must self-isolate

  • That’s unfortunate... I agree, prior to visiting New Zealand it would have been hard for me to consider making the journey back that way just to complete the New Zealand portion of the tour; however, after being there I realized New Zealand is breathtaking and I enjoyed it as much or more than Australia. Would I go back...probably not (too many other places to visit), but I would definitely consider going there to complete my itinerary. There always beautiful Fiji nearby to complete the trip.

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