I have some questions about this trip



  • Thanks Smiling Sam. I live in Miami and it is really hot when it is in the upper 80s and 90s. I am supposed to travel from Egypt to Israel and would like to visit Egypt in April since Israel in March will only be in the 60s. However, going in the temples and pyramids in the 90s is just not something that I think will be enjoyable. If only the builders of the temples and pyramids had installed air conditioning systems.....

  • edited August 2020

    Hi Virginia. Am I correct that March is better weather than April?

    Virginia_Travelers has not done this tour yet and I haven't seen ChicagoTravelers around in many months. We chose March 2021 (our March 2020 was cancelled) for obvious reasons when you look at the temps in Sam's post. We are on the Jordan & Egypt trip and it will be quite cool in Petra in March, but that is only one day compared to a week in Egypt.

    I noticed the Tauck tour does not contain Memphis or the other pyramids in that area. Did anyone independently go there? Did anyone see if Tauck would add them when you took the tour? Did anyone who saw them independently think they were not worth visiting?

    Tauck will not add to a published tour but they may make minor changes. What you see (enter) depends on what pyramids and tombs are open the day you visit and the difficulty- some are tough! ChicagoTravelers said, "We entered only one pyramid at Saqqara, which was very difficult for some." (he/she entered the rubble Pyramid of Teti in Saqqara) With the exception of Tuts tomb, that applies to the tombs you may enter in the Valley of Kings as well. The operating schedules change, may not be predictable, and may be impacted by reduced tomb staff due to COVID. We are planning a post stay, and, depending on what we see with Tauck, are considering arranging for a guide and driver to go back to see more of Saqqara/Dahshur.

    The day in Giza does not say people went in any of the pyramids there. Did you have time to go in them? The Great Pyramid looks like it has a narrow interior but I would like to go in it if possible.

    See my previous note. You'll need to follow my link about to her post, but I believe ChicagoTravelers said she didn't not, but others in the group entered one of the Giza pyramids.

    Day three does not mention going in Seti or Ramses VI. Did anyone ask Tauck to get tickets to them? Did people have time to go in them?

    Unless Tauck is getting special pass tickets that cover multiple or all sites, they do not normally get tickets to other sites/attractions. There will not likely be time to visit others during the tour. The TD can usually advise or assist you getting tickets.

    Has anyone been told what museum will be visited while in Cairo see the new Grand Egyptian Museum will allegedly be finished with the construction this year but may not be open until the fall of 2021?

    I was told by a Tauck agent that if the GEM is open, we will visit it. You could actually visit both. That makes the Cairo schedule subject to change.

  • Thanks Alan S. I wonder why the original museum is going to be open if the Grand Egyptian Museum is also going to be open. I'm surprised that with a museum as large as the GEM everything wouldn't be put in it. I imagine the mummies that the old museum is famous for will be in the new museum. I guess I will need to compare the directory of each website to see if I need to goto both.

  • Spencer, May I suggest you get an indepedant custom tour of Egypt so you can see everything you want, or stay on for several days after the Tauck tour. Is this your first Tauck tour? I think it may be as if not, you would know how they work. Do you have a knowledgeable Travel agent to help you plan?.

  • Just to complement the Cairo and Luxor climate data I posted earlier, here is the Petra data.

  • edited August 2020

    To get the full picture and what I assume is Tauck paying careful attention to the weather, you need to look at an hourly graph of the temps (see WeatherSpark dot com) for the cities and dates when you will be there. The peak temps in Aswan and Luxor generally occur between 2 - 4 pm, about the time you have free time back at the hotel/ship.

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