When to go, or not to go!
Years ago I designed a custom homepage for my computer and devoted a little section of it to upcoming trips.
If anyone was questioning why you don't travel to the Middle East in late Spring, Summer, or early Fall- check out these temps!
AlanS - What's your point? Here's the weekend forecast for Tucson.
As you know it's a dry heat!
Except when the monsoonal flows come up from the Gulf of California, as they do this time of year. 101 in Vegas today (cooling down) and a bit muggy when I took my early morning walk.
Tucson not on my travel list, either
Here in Colorado, we had temps in the 40s this morning for the first time since May (in mid 70s now) AND there was some snow in the mountains above 12000 ft last night!
Nothing like Yellowstone last February!
For those looking to travel again....Massachusetts has expanded its list of lower risk states from which you can come without a covid test and without quarantining. Just added to the list this week are Colorado, Delaware, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Remaining on the list are ME, NH, VT, CT, NY and NJ. The only caveat is that you have to come directly and can only pass through any state not on the list.
December it is! It may be a bit chilly in Petra, but I would rather wear a jacket for a short period of time than to be down-right miserable in that HEAT. Even when it's chilly (unless it's downright COLD) you're usually comfortable when you're out & about walking, etc.
AlanI went dog-sledding on Lake Louise (Banff National Park) in February...now that was frigid COLD but so much FUN!
Back on the subject of Petra, I just watched a 5 year old episode of Nova (S42 E5) on my local PBS channel that is all about Petra. Some fascinating insights on its construction, how the Nabateans brought water in, etc. This should interest all who have been there, as well as our master Petra planner, AlanS HOpefully you can find this episode online.
BKMD - Thanks...I'll look for the episode. December 2021 J&E is looking promising