Tauck webinar next week

I presume most of you got an email today from Tauck about a webinar next week called Walking through Jerusalem. One of the two speakers, Amy, was our local guide when I did this trip in 2019. She was outstanding and probably the best local guide on any of the trips I've done, so should be a worthwhile presentation.


  • Does anyone know if the zoom link can be shared? I have a friend interested in seeing it. Does everyone get the same link or is it personalized?

  • Im not sure of the answer BKMD, But remember Tauck always records these zoom presentations and you can find them on their web page,so anyone can view them

  • British - The email from Tauck said this one won't be recorded.

  • Sorry, never noticed. Darn, I’m out for some of the time too

  • Hi British..been following your posts forever. I didn’t get the email but I’m optimistically signed up for this trip for 5/27/21. Can you tell me when the webinar is please? I’ll call tomorrow and get on the list for the zoom link. Thanks.

  • Israel and Jordan is my second-favorite Tauck trip, a close second to Grand Australia & New Zealand. I liked it so much that I booked the new Jerusalem, the Red Sea & Petra trip (twice--because the first one has been cancelled). I changed my haircut appointment so I could watch the webinar this afternoon.

  • "The meeting is at capacity"


  • Just tried to join this webinar and was told that it was at capacity and I'd have to wait for someone to leave. Tauck needs a larger capacity license!

  • Tauck webinars are tougher to get in than vaccine appointments.

  • It’s streaming on YouTube now!

  • Went to YouTube and subscribed to their channel. Where can I find the zoom presentations? I only see short uploaded videos. Thanks for any help. I also got shutout of this anticipated presentation today.

  • Tauck never disappoints... the Webinar was so well done and interesting. Don’t think we will go to Israel so this was a real treat,

  • Yes, eleonore, it was a treat...and so nice to see Shelley, who was our local guide in Jerusalem last March. She is so knowledgeable!

  • I also had trouble accessing the webinar. I emailed Tauck and they responded immediately with the YouTube channel link—I only missed the first 2-3 minutes. Excellent presentation.

  • edited 2021 12

    Go to the Tauck Blog - very bottom of the main website. Then scroll down. Not all webinars are recorded, and it may take a couple days after the Zoom, before they are available. I didn't see it there just now when I looked and couldn't find it on Youtube but didn't look closely. You might try some Googling.

  • The Jerusalem webinar was not being recorded...I’m thinking for security reasons

  • I got an email from Tauck apologizing for the zoom issue. They included a link for the recorded webinar and said it would be available for two days, then removed.

  • The webinar was really well done. I appreciated seeing Shelly. She was the tour guide for my November 2019 tour and accompanied me back to Jerusalem after the group visit to Masada. Hindsight is 20/20. I only did the Israel portion of that trip because I already had Jordan-Egypt scheduled for December 2020 and didn't feel a need to visit Jordan twice--we all know how that ended! Fingers crossed for December 2021 but willing to hold out until December 2022 to visit the GEM

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