Weather in Tanzania - February
Hello all - Planning on the Tanzania trip in February. I'm just thinking ahead and shopping now as it may be hard to find summer clothes in February . How cold and how hot does it get? Do women wear skirts/dresses in the evening.? Any other tips to get 12 days of clothing into these small duffel bags:). Thankfully there is laundry service - but any tips are appreciated. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time:)
MMatilla - you might check the following for weather planning for Arusha Tanzania.
Sam you are assuming he/she has internet access
Something to remember- TZ is near the Equator, but where you will be going is relatively high alititude, so the weather and temperatures don't change too much seasonally- maybe a bit more rain (no rain vs minimal rain), but the temperatures are moderated by the high altitude. Most of the year the sky is clear and that combined with the thinner air at altitude, result in stronger sun, so long sleeves, pants, and a wide brimmed hat are preferred. I can't speak to Zanzibar, but Safari gear works out well for all occasions and meals. You want to avoid certain colors which attract the biting tsetse flies (a bite similar to that of a horsefly on steroids
). "The tsetse fly is attracted to bright colors, very dark colors, metallic fabric, particularly the colors blue and black." Despite this, the Masaii wear bright colors. 
You won't be living out of a duffel for the entire tour. The information in the tour pages (Scroll down to "Important Booking Information," and select "Required Documents, . . . . COVID Protocols" and expand "Air Information and Luggage Restrictions" see images) has all the luggage info- but says you switch to duffels for Day 6 - 9 . There is a lot more info on the tour pages and also tons of info if you search the forums.
Here is another great weather site:
BKMD, So funny.
February is a good time to see Wildebeest calving apparently. I’ve never been at that time of year.
You can see the "Wildebeest" also.
AlanS - Here is a 'Wilder'beest. Perhaps this is what British is referring to.
Ok autocratic got me! Corrected
MMarilla, I have taken this tour and in addition I have been to Tanzania twice more,I can tell you what I take, the majority dress the same as me…lightweight long pants and long sleeve shirts or t shirts in earth or Safari colors. Avoid Black or blue because they can attract tsetse flies which hurt when they bite and can carry sleeping sickness…sometimes you don’t see any, sometimes you do. Long clothes also help avoid mosquitoes bites, reduce the need for applying Deet and applying sunscreen. Wide brimmed hat with chin strap. A buff is always useful, or indeed, masks can keep the dust out of your nose and mouth. You might want to take a light sweatshirt or jacket for cold mornings and evenings. Shoes, closed toed dark colors, they could get really dirty and dusty. Some take old sneakers, I caution not tooo old….when we were in Zanzibar, a fellow traveler wore sneakers with no tread left and she slipped in the boat when we went on the boat ride. On e of the camps we went to on this tour had very sandy long paths to get to the main communal areas, not good with open toe shoes. The majority do not dress up for evenings at Camp. Zanzibar is a little different. The hotel Tauck now stays at is a lot more upmarket amd resort like than when we took the tour, so you might want to have a dressy outfit there. Please remember that Zanzibar is mainly Muslim so you need to remember to be respectful and keep your self covered there. It also gives Americans a better wrap to remember these things.
I hope you find this useful. But you may do what is comfortable for you. We learned as we went along on each of our Africa visits, it really is easy to pack for, the duffles are huge, laundry is cheap or free. Sometimes they will not launder underwear. So bare that in mind.
Hello - thank you everyone - so appreciate. I'll look up the Arusha weather - I'm a little apprehensive as this is my first safari and I'm over 60. - and going alone - so at the least I want to be prepared. thank you!!!
I concur with everything British said, however, being consistent with my previous, "no slack for British" theme- I think British got confused with her choice of sleeping attire.
In any case, "bear" in mind some lodging may not launder underwear. Then again, choose how you will react if friends arrive at your door baring gifts.
Sorry, British, I couldn't resist! 

😂😂😂😂😂. Not my day is it. Alan refers to my love of sleeping naked, even in Africa.
Anyway, MMatilla, don’t be too worried. I’ve stayed at your first hotel three times now, It’s charming and puts you in a mood for Africa. We are in, oh dear, our ‘late’sixties now and intend to keep going to Africa for as long as we can. There is virtually no exercise on this tour, so as long as you can get into a Safari vehicle, you are fine.
The airport is small, there will be a friendly guy waiting for you in a jeep, it might even be one of the Safari guides. The usual deal is that the Tour Director will arrange a group meeting the afternoon before the tour begins and give you a rundown about everything. There are no wild animals around that hotel.
One thing to mention, it’s not unusual for your suitcase to not make it on the first day, especially if you are flying on the KLM flight, it will make it twenty four hours later, so my tip is to put two changes of Safari clothing in your carry on backpack and wear the main shoes you will be wearing for the Safari on the plane.
Here’s a typical Safari crowd, the TD s the tall girl on the left
Hello and thank you for sharing British - I'm so relieved - I was starting to waver but now I'm excited again! I'm in good shape yoga and so forth - but didn't know what to expect. What a great group picture too!!! thanks!!
MMatilla - we did our first safari in 2018 and we had a blast! Since a safari group spends so much more time together than an everyday type trip travelers seem to bond more closely. While on safari you can't really go out on your own and you spend a full day in a vehicle with the same folks. The next day you are with a different group. We often think of the things we did, what we saw, and the people we travelled with and even now all that makes us smile. Have a great time!
British- what's up with the gaiters? (no, not gators
Gorilla trekking involves trekking through large stinging nettles, possibility of fire ants…..and the hotel supplied them to the group. When we returned from the trek, our muddy boots were taken from us and cleaned up so they looked spanking brand new… the trip was worth $30000 🤪. Who knew it would be our last Tauck tour for a long time!
Great photo! Thank you for sharing.