Vigur Island Arctic Terns

It is/was nesting season in Iceland. As any of you know that have visited Arctic Terns are very protective of their nesting area. Here are a few pictures of Arctic Terns, their nesting area, their protective/attack mode, and even a young Arctic Tern. These were on Vigur Island during Day 5 of my recently completed tour. The sticks with flags atop were provided by the local guide to help fend off the terns. As captured in one of the photos they were less than effective.


  • Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  • Thank you for sharing. I"m looking forward to my upcoming trip.

  • Beautiful pictures Sam, thank you for sharing

  • Very noisy birds!Have a video from our trip with the deafening noise!

  • Smiling Sam Can you give me a rash course on uploading/photo/video to this;I found my video of Arctic Terns!

  • edited July 2021

    Sudhamali - Uploading photos is done by by selecting the 'landscape photo' icon just above the 'Leave a Comment' Type your Comment block and then selecting the photos you want to upload via that interface. With respect to videos, I don't know how to do that unless you upload a link to the video via the 'chain link' icon just above the comment block and then entering the URL of the location of the video. Others, like AlanS may know how to upload videos (if it's possible) directly.

  • And always Preview your post, before posting, to avoid surprises.

  • Thank you Smiling Sam and BKMD

  • I don’t think you can directly download videos on here. If you wait for Alan S to see this, I’m sure he will confirm

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