I am here now. Private message me with any questions you may have. It’s a wonderful trip with one more week to go. I can’t find anything to complain about. FYI: the have lobster in McDonalds snd Subway!!! The scallops are our of this world too and the halibut.
Thank you OurTravels34. How is the walking? We have been on Tauck Tours before but we are just curious about the amount on this one. Any particular places to eat that stand out? How was the first night at the Citadel? Do you walk to it or is there a shuttle? We are going September 20. Thanks again. Jerry
The Tauck tour bus will transport you and the other guests to the citadel. It’s a 10 minute drive, maybe less. No worries about that. The walking has been minimal but I am a walker. There is not a restaurant that stands out in particular except the one I mentioned in Halifax. The fresh lobster, scallops, mussels are simply scrumptious that is included with some of the dinners. This tour is a wonderful tour about the Canada Maritimes, the scenery and the history and not necessarily a foodie tour. Wear comfy shoes. Women do not need heels or pumps whatsoever. I don’t understand packing extraneous shoes anyway.
The weather has been in the mid-70’s. to very low 80’s There was only one morning when it was misty. Mornings were chilly for me and then gradually heats up. Layering is really the key to being comfortable. The Maritimes weather can change from day to day. I wore long travel pants most of the time during the day except for the nice dinners. I packed an umbrella and lightweight gloves and didn’t have to use them.
I am literally tired of having lobster. Imagine that. Yes, Texas heat is indeed intolerable. My freckles would slide off.
I have had lobster 4 times, scallops about the same. I’m not a fan of mussels. The best scallops I’ve ever had was in the restaurant I mentioned in Halifax, The Bicycle Thief. Reservations are necessary for dinner. We were lucky to get in right before the lunch crowd (thank goodness) because people were turned away. Sit outside. This was right after the Immigration Museum which was very interesting. This restaurant was on the restaurant list the tour director will hand out. We’re now in Cape Briton and the view is majestic. It’s 82 degrees currently. Yesterday was the longest bus ride getting here, and there were stops along the way which eased the drive. Yesterday was my husband’s birthday (there were 3 birthdays with this tour on the exact same day) and since I’m a polite squeaky wheel, I asked our tour director if something can be arranged to have a room with a spectacular view. I wasn’t having good fortune on this particular trip with the best rooms with a view and so I asked. My wish was granted.
If King Crab was as available on Alaska trips as it appears Lobster is available on the Canadian Maritimes, I'd do two Alaska trips back to back!!
I had a former boss who was stationed in Alaska- he said King Crab was more expensive and harder to get in Alaska than it was in Seattle. The catch was immediately sent to Seattle for packing. Only a little bit was sent back to Alaska where the price was higher.
I had a former boss who was stationed in Alaska- he said King Crab was more expensive and harder to get in Alaska than it was in >Seattle. The catch was immediately sent to Seattle for packing. Only a little bit was sent back to Alaska where the price was higher.
The price in Alaska must be outrageous. Living near Seattle we go to Pikes Place Market on occasion to buy fish. Expensive dinner that night.
I remember in the early 80's . . . when I was stationed in Norfolk we used to go to the Officer's Club at NAS Oceana for a special meal they had once or twice a month on select Fridays. It had no special name but people often called it clean the freezer night because of the variety and volume of food served on the buffet. For around $10 per person (a lot in the day) you could get all-you-can-eat steamship round, carved while you wait, plus all-you-can-eat King Crab legs, plus a bunch of other great stuff. Now I hardly ever see King Crab at restaurants.
I neglected to mention that I could have had more lobster at the Keltic lodge which were included with the Tauck dinners, but just to change it up, I opted for salmon and scallops. I’m going go turn into a fish!
Cape Breton. Today was the bus ride along the famous Cabot trail. The scenery was beautiful. Whales and eagles were pointed out but they looked like a dot to me in the distance when I squinted. It was a nice day, long but very nice.
Jerry, I sent you a PM (private message); did you receive? Go up to where your icon is and look for what looks like the tiny envelope. Click on the envelope. A lot of guests on the trip are from Florida and Texas. They also want to escape the heat.
Thanks again OurTravels34 for your posts. We'll be there before Jerry R and you nailed it as we are from Texas! Will keep looking for your posts ~ really have enjoyed following you on this journey.
Highly unlikely that on a tour you would be able to do this, but on PEI they have Church Lobster dinners. Here is a Google website where you can see what I am referring to.
We are excited to be going on this tour on August 28. My question has to do with luggage. The Tauck material asked us to limit our checked luggage to one piece each, which is fine. But what about standard wheeled carry-on luggage in addition to the checked luggage. Is there room on the bus for that as well?
Officially, no. But typically, Tauck will let you put carry-ons under the bus. You will be responsible for bringing it to the bus and taking it from the bus. This is frowned on by some Tauck travelers as it can delay the bus departure. So if you do bring a carry-on., be sure to be at the bus early.
John, we were just on that trip. I had a 25” suitcase (because I was also traveling for 2 weeks before the tour started) and a carryon. My husband had the same. There is “plenty” of room under the bus for everyone’s luggage as we were 36 people! No one will frown on you. Private message me if you would like. It is a great trip.
John, I believe you're on a small group tour so I wouldn't worry about it delaying anything as long as you're at the bus in plenty of time - that is not at the last minute. As Ken said, there is provision for doing this. Tauck has a special colored luggage tag for hand carried items and a compartment in the bus for them separate from the bags the driver and/or hotel staff load and unload. Once loaded, don't count on getting to it until you arrive at your next hotel. Anything you need during the day take in a small tote bag or backpack. The buses only have shallow open racks about the seats and no room under the seat (a flip down foot rest blocks it).
Great information. Thank you to everyone. We are in a small group tour September 20 so weren’t sure of the size of the bus. Can’t wait for the lobster!
Something else, what was your experiences going through customs at Halifax airport? How much time do we need? I guess they will let us know what time we will leave the hotel as we are staying an extra night.
We are going late September.
I am here now. Private message me with any questions you may have. It’s a wonderful trip with one more week to go. I can’t find anything to complain about. FYI: the have lobster in McDonalds snd Subway!!! The scallops are our of this world too and the halibut.
Thank you OurTravels34. How is the walking? We have been on Tauck Tours before but we are just curious about the amount on this one. Any particular places to eat that stand out? How was the first night at the Citadel? Do you walk to it or is there a shuttle? We are going September 20. Thanks again. Jerry
The Tauck tour bus will transport you and the other guests to the citadel. It’s a 10 minute drive, maybe less. No worries about that. The walking has been minimal but I am a walker. There is not a restaurant that stands out in particular except the one I mentioned in Halifax. The fresh lobster, scallops, mussels are simply scrumptious that is included with some of the dinners. This tour is a wonderful tour about the Canada Maritimes, the scenery and the history and not necessarily a foodie tour. Wear comfy shoes. Women do not need heels or pumps whatsoever. I don’t understand packing extraneous shoes anyway.
Great. Thanks again. Take care and enjoy the rest of the tour. Stay safe.
Thanks OurTravels34 for the information! Booked and going late August. Can't wait to get away from the heat in Texas! How's your weather now?
The weather has been in the mid-70’s. to very low 80’s There was only one morning when it was misty. Mornings were chilly for me and then gradually heats up. Layering is really the key to being comfortable. The Maritimes weather can change from day to day. I wore long travel pants most of the time during the day except for the nice dinners. I packed an umbrella and lightweight gloves and didn’t have to use them.
I am literally tired of having lobster. Imagine that. Yes, Texas heat is indeed intolerable. My freckles would slide off.
Thanks for the Travel Log. Very much appreciated.
Really…that much lobster?😁
I have had lobster 4 times, scallops about the same. I’m not a fan of mussels. The best scallops I’ve ever had was in the restaurant I mentioned in Halifax, The Bicycle Thief. Reservations are necessary for dinner. We were lucky to get in right before the lunch crowd (thank goodness) because people were turned away. Sit outside. This was right after the Immigration Museum which was very interesting. This restaurant was on the restaurant list the tour director will hand out. We’re now in Cape Briton and the view is majestic. It’s 82 degrees currently. Yesterday was the longest bus ride getting here, and there were stops along the way which eased the drive. Yesterday was my husband’s birthday (there were 3 birthdays with this tour on the exact same day) and since I’m a polite squeaky wheel, I asked our tour director if something can be arranged to have a room with a spectacular view. I wasn’t having good fortune on this particular trip with the best rooms with a view and so I asked. My wish was granted.
Happy Birthday to your husband and the others.
Great way to celebrate a birthday 🥳
If King Crab was as available on Alaska trips as it appears Lobster is available on the Canadian Maritimes, I'd do two Alaska trips back to back!!

I had a former boss who was stationed in Alaska- he said King Crab was more expensive and harder to get in Alaska than it was in Seattle. The catch was immediately sent to Seattle for packing. Only a little bit was sent back to Alaska where the price was higher.
The price in Alaska must be outrageous. Living near Seattle we go to Pikes Place Market on occasion to buy fish. Expensive dinner that night.

Wow!!!! and a two pound minimum.
I remember in the early 80's . . . when I was stationed in Norfolk we used to go to the Officer's Club at NAS Oceana for a special meal they had once or twice a month on select Fridays. It had no special name but people often called it clean the freezer night because of the variety and volume of food served on the buffet. For around $10 per person (a lot in the day) you could get all-you-can-eat steamship round, carved while you wait, plus all-you-can-eat King Crab legs, plus a bunch of other great stuff. Now I hardly ever see King Crab at restaurants.
I neglected to mention that I could have had more lobster at the Keltic lodge which were included with the Tauck dinners, but just to change it up, I opted for salmon and scallops. I’m going go turn into a fish!
Now my mouth is watering ~~ can't wait!! Great seafood and cooler weather! Does it get any better? Our heat index is 106 right now.
We want lobster!!! Today is the coolest for the next week at 109. Cool weather where are you?
Cape Breton. Today was the bus ride along the famous Cabot trail. The scenery was beautiful. Whales and eagles were pointed out but they looked like a dot to me in the distance when I squinted. It was a nice day, long but very nice.
Jerry, I sent you a PM (private message); did you receive? Go up to where your icon is and look for what looks like the tiny envelope. Click on the envelope. A lot of guests on the trip are from Florida and Texas. They also want to escape the heat.
Just sent it, thank you. Took a while to find it but I did.
Thanks again OurTravels34 for your posts. We'll be there before Jerry R and you nailed it as we are from Texas! Will keep looking for your posts ~ really have enjoyed following you on this journey.
Onamission, I sent you a private message.
Highly unlikely that on a tour you would be able to do this, but on PEI they have Church Lobster dinners. Here is a Google website where you can see what I am referring to.
Yes, you will do something like this too on the tour. It wasn’t my favorite lobster experience.
We are excited to be going on this tour on August 28. My question has to do with luggage. The Tauck material asked us to limit our checked luggage to one piece each, which is fine. But what about standard wheeled carry-on luggage in addition to the checked luggage. Is there room on the bus for that as well?
Officially, no. But typically, Tauck will let you put carry-ons under the bus. You will be responsible for bringing it to the bus and taking it from the bus. This is frowned on by some Tauck travelers as it can delay the bus departure. So if you do bring a carry-on., be sure to be at the bus early.
John, we were just on that trip. I had a 25” suitcase (because I was also traveling for 2 weeks before the tour started) and a carryon. My husband had the same. There is “plenty” of room under the bus for everyone’s luggage as we were 36 people! No one will frown on you. Private message me if you would like. It is a great trip.
John, I believe you're on a small group tour so I wouldn't worry about it delaying anything as long as you're at the bus in plenty of time - that is not at the last minute. As Ken said, there is provision for doing this. Tauck has a special colored luggage tag for hand carried items and a compartment in the bus for them separate from the bags the driver and/or hotel staff load and unload. Once loaded, don't count on getting to it until you arrive at your next hotel. Anything you need during the day take in a small tote bag or backpack. The buses only have shallow open racks about the seats and no room under the seat (a flip down foot rest blocks it).
Great information. Thank you to everyone. We are in a small group tour September 20 so weren’t sure of the size of the bus. Can’t wait for the lobster!
Something else, what was your experiences going through customs at Halifax airport? How much time do we need? I guess they will let us know what time we will leave the hotel as we are staying an extra night.