
I talked to someone at Tauck who said our carry on for this trip needed to be 12 x 15 x 10 or smaller. What are others' experiences?


  • We went on this trip in 2019. It is prudent to abide by the small carry-on guidelines. Some people in our group did not do so, and had a difficult time carrying them up and down the stairs on the private flights.

  • When speaking with a Tauck agent, they said 12 X 15 X10. I've been looking at luggage (a little frustrated in having to buy something just for this trip) and so far everything is at least an inch too long in one of the dimensions. I'm thinking of just using my backpack...which is too long, but if not filled up can fit into those dimensions.

  • I think a backpack is good, as it is easily carried up and down the stairs on the plane. Don’t worry about the inch - they are not measuring.
    The problems that I witnessed were with the large, wheeled carryons, which are very awkward on stairs, particularly for people with mobility issues.

  • I've had my luggage lost before on a trip to Africa. I like having a carry on to have a few days worth of clothes, my electronics, etc.The backpack I usually take is pretty lightweight, packed in my suitcase...used for throwing a jacket & water bottle in. We've travelled a lot...this luggage limit is new to us.

  • edited July 2022

    There are other trips for which there are carryon restrictions. For this one and those, most people seem to be able to comply.

  • It’s because of the small private planes. I used my usual small backpack for carry on that has a good amount of room for two outfits, camera, book, iPad etc etc

  • AnneC - You appear to be new to Tauck, at least to the forum.

    There are lots of Tauck tours, especially the more exotic ones, that utilize small planes, or other means of transportation, beyond the large jets that you're accustomed to using the rolling carry-on luggage. For these non-large jet forms of transportation you oftentimes have to handle the luggage up/down staircase (to small planes), up/down ramps, on uneven cobblestone terrain, etc.

    The typical rolling carry-ons are great for lots of travel where you are boarding via nice wide jetways and placing your carry-on into nice sized overhead compartments.

    Instead of the rolling carry-ons, I use a more full-size backpack. Not a hiking backpack that holds a sleeping bag, etc., but a backpack with 4 or 5 compartments where I store the things I don't want to risk losing - medicines, camera gear, etc. Backpacks are more easily fit into the smaller spaces on these alternate forms of transportation. In addition, backpacks are more easily carried onto these transportation vehicles, than a rolling carry-on.

    If you restrict yourself to tours that only go to places via the large jets and large buses then your rolling carry-ons will work just fine. If you want to go on the more exotic tours, I recommend the backpack approach.

  • edited July 2022

    I've gone on "exotic" travel...spent 4 weeks in Africa a few years ago, flying in very small planes. I'm just wondering how strict the 15 inch as the longest side of something to travel with. All of our backpacks are longer than 15 inches. We had specific big sized luggage that the company sent us (duffel bags) and I used one of my backpacks for my carry on. Like I said...I'm struggling even finding a backpack that is 15 inches in length.

  • AnneC - Lotusgirl got it right above. Don't worry about 1 inch for a backpack. They can smoosh and fit into lots of places that a rolling suitcase won't.

    Then again, just take your rolling carry-on because that's what you're use to and don't worry about it. Sounds like you've done Africa before with the small planes and such. If you took your rolling carry-on then, then you shouldn't have any problems now.

  • AnneC - I hope that the 'Travel Gods' have already extracted their pound of flesh from you since you lost your luggage previously and that all future travels go smoothly.

    If you're prepared, then that's all you can do.

    Happy Travels.

  • I am doing the Grand Australia trip in January, 2023. I have both a travel CPAP and medical supplies-insulin pump supplies, CGM sensors, etc that cannot go through xray. While I would love to bring my DSLR camera and lenses too I fear that they may have to stay home due to the weight constraints with carry ons. Will the charter planes be forgiving on this as well as the commercial flight from Sydney to Wellington? Not sure I can keep my medical supplies safe from damage in a duffel carry on bag. Thanks for any advice.

  • FYI - The website indicates the following for the Grand Australia and New Zealand tour for carry-on luggage size: "you may also bring one piece of carry-on luggage on board, weighing no more than 15 pounds (7 kg) with maximum dimensions of 20" x 15" x 10" (50 x 38 x 25 cm)." It is not 12 X 15 X 10 as stated above.

  • I use the Vera Bradley week-end bag...Its soft and can be squashed anywhere.It has regular handles and crossbody strap

  • From this discussion seems like best way to go is a larger suitcase bidding by the weight restrictions then bring a backpack and large purse. Agree?

  • Carol, Our carryon was never measured or weighed on our March trip. I used a backpack so I could navigate the stairs on and off the charter flights. There was room on the flights to put backpacks that were too large to place overhead.

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