Hole in Floor Toilets
We are scheduled for this SE Asia trip in February 2024. A concern is the possibility of using the older hole in floor toilets. One of us cannot do squats. Walking, climbing stairs etc is not a problem. I assume the hotels will not be a problem but what about restrooms while away from the hotels? If you have been on this trip were you required to use these with any frequency?
We can’t recall, sorry. We are going again in April, too late to relay any experiences for you. Any chance you can practice before you go, of course it’s no problem for Ute men usually! 😃. Maybe a call or Tauck?
Ladies, look at The Tinkle Belle or the Freshette online. You’re welcome.
Did this trip many years ago and don't recall any problem. My recollection is that even in the more remote locations there was always a "senior" or "handicap" stall with more traditional facilities. Of course, the Tinkle Belle and or Freshette were useful on our African safaris too.
For those wandering about a hole in the floor toilet, here is one we encountered at the Kathmandu airport in Nepal while on our Tauck trip in 2017.
Traveled with a different company than Tauck to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, in 2017, and only encountered “ eastern” style (as pictured above)toilets once in three weeks.

You are going with Tauck, to the best hotels and restaurants with NO! hole toilets unless you have to go to the middle of the jungle! they are ALL! western type of facilities... but you could see those in Italy!
I did this tour and it was exceptional!
Go to Youtube and check every hotel, you will be surprised,. Vietnam was under the French after they gained control of Saigon back in 1859... not only you will have the bowl toilet but also a divet! .
also, Tauck knows their clientele and the need to make stops every more often.
I’ve had to use squat toilets on Tauck tours. Sometimes there is no alternative, I don’t recall in Vietnam, but certainly India and this year in Arabia. Hey, and you do have to squat when you ‘check the tires’ on safari. It's worth calling Tauck to be sure for some tours if you’ really can’t squat easily or up your workout to incorporate them and have suitable clothing to take to make it easier, often skirts work better in those situations. Back in the day, we came across lots of toilets like that in France
I have never used one with Tauck.
I've been to China and all of Southeast Asia, never had the need to use one, all with Tauck
MTW,,My wife and I are on this trip. See you then (Feb5-24)
I lived in Japan in the mid 80s where you saw these often. Actually lived in a nice house with one though it was cleaner than the one in the photo and didn't have a flush. I didn't mind it but then I was in my early 30s. Couldn't do it now. Lol
When I took this trip (2019), I remember noticing in several public or restaurant restrooms, given the choice of western toilets or “squat” toilets ( I can’t recall what they were called, but the signage was clear). We never had to use anything other than a Western toilet.