Forum Email Notifications

Is there a way to get email notifications when someone comments on my thread? Seems there should be an easy way to do this!?


  • No. This is a very rudimentary forum.

  • No, you have to keep checking. I don’t know whether it still says you will be notified when someone comments, it has never worked.

  • No but if you look at the small globe symbol to the right of your name it will indicate how many responses you've gotten to threads and private comms within the forum.

  • Thanks, all! Now that I know this - is there a way to delete this thread?

  • Amy - Click on the gear in the upper right of your intial post. If it's p0ossible to delete, the option will show there. if not, the only option will be edit.

    Claudia - I find the globe useless because it shows new posts in every thread I've opened, not just ones I've commented in. There are some threads where I may read the initial post, then decide there's no point in following that thread's future posts. Another forum deficiency is the lack of a "mark forums read" button.

  • Within the box that outlines your post there is a gear/wheel to the far right. Pressing that enables you to either edit or delete the post. You can also go to your profile and delete there as well.

    I like to keep my files fairly current and usually perform maintenance on a yearly basis. I am actually past due in performing this housekeeping, so thanks for the reminder.

  • @BKMD and @kfnknfzk - I have the option to edit a pos, not to delete. Maybe this is something you get once you’ve been a member for a while?

  • edited January 2024

    That's odd. I just did a test and both the edit and delete functions showed. Try again and hold the cursor down for a longer period. You can also highlight the entire post and press 'delete.'

  • If you start a post, it is impossible to delete it. A reply to a post can easily be deleted. If the initial post is deleted it would leave all the replies orphaned.

  • amyhummers - My apologies. I misread and took 'thread' as 'post'. My error.

  • Bkmd, I don't pay much attention to the Globe either. If I care about the responses to a thread I started I go directly to it. I find the small inbox icon next to it more useful - actual messages I might want to respond to.

    Concur about a easier way to mark threads as read. If its a tour I'm not interested in I don't bother with. If I ever want to take it I can always go read.older posts.

  • If you start a thread, yes, you can’t delete it. Amy, you asked a perfectly good question. I would not bother about not able to delete it.

  • The only way to delete a thread which you initiated is to send an email request to It is best to include a link to the thread. It may or may not happen.

  • If no one replies to the thread, it will quickly fall to the bottom of the list and essentially disappear.

  • Is there ever a thread that gets no replies?
    Not even the silly ones like "what's the weather like?" or "which electric adapter do I need?" get responses.

  • A quick check in the South American category had several 0 reply threads in the Mystical Peru tour. I've certainly seen some that didn't get replies for several days.

    In the category of silly questions - my personal favorite "is anyone going on this tour" - to which to smart aleck in me wants to answer "No, sorry you'll be all alone with the TD and Coach driver".

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