Bad Customer Service Don’t recommend Tauck anymore!!
I will mot recommend this company to anyone. Very disappointed. People behaving like kids, not allowing to sit with the group or to rotate in the bus location. Also the bus at the beginning very uncomfortable and at the end Tauck retuned $250 per person. The check arrived and we need to returned due that the name was written incorrectly. Called them and they said that once they received it they will issue a new check and now they are asking if we mailed it and of course not issuing a new check. This is not the way Tauck Tour used to be. The customer service rep was Abbrie and asking us that if it was true that we mailed it. We are not kids, we are professionals, we are not supposed to be treated as kids A tour very expensive and now not honoring what the promised! I will never recommend them at all! If you want to help, my email is lilyrivas@gmail.come
Forum account created at 5:44. Incomprehensible complaint posted 2 minutes later. We have no idea what tour this was. What the beef about seating was. What the $250 was for. What exactly is the point of this post?
It’s this simple: Some people are just angry all the time. They never think about the positive, just the negative. It’s a waste of time and energy.
Not brilliant posting her email address on a public forum where any scammer can find.
Glad it wasn’t just me that found that post incomprehensible.
For such a professional, your writing needs proofreading. Very unprofessional.
What tour was this? I don’t understand what you mean about the bus and not rotating, do you mean you would not rotate?
I would not issue another check unless you returned the other one either.
British - Unlikely you'll get your questions answers. People who sign up and rant for their first post usually don't return. We'll see if I'm proved wrong.
And what help does she expect from other guests? In the old days I'd wonder if this was spam.
Maybe an A&K knocking Tauck? Could be...
[Better put a smiley face on this one in case anyone takes it seriously
Yes, you are totally correct BKMD. And it does have a spam feel. It doesn’t even say which tour. And they have not been back yet.
Call me ignorant but what does A&K mean?
Supposedly when the new forum was created the system requires you to have a tour reservation in their system which is what has kept spam at bay since. We used to get spam frequently especially on weekends.
Could just be another one and done hit piece like the guy bitching about the Scandinavian tour a few weeks ago. He never came back either.
abercrombie and kent
What an inept comment, no tour name, no specifics, totally waste of time, I agree about not needing to send the check back.
I smell bs
Re checks, I'm glad some banks do look at signatures. Some years ago my IRS refund check (remember those?) was supposedly pilfered by USPS...the culprit spelled my name wrong on endorsement. I received a pile of papers in mail asking me to authenticate my signature multiple times.
One thing you can always do is sign the check with the incorrect name, then sign it with the correct name. Banks will certainly take those for deposit.
They are more critical when you try to negotiate it for cash. If you deposit it in your account and it turns out to be bad, they just debit your accout for the amount. If they cash it and you don't have an account with them, they're out the money. Many banks will not cash a check if you don't have an account with them, even if the check was drawn on an account at their bank.
If there's a minor mistake in name on the check, use mobile deposit. Then, no human scrutinizes it and it will only get kicked back if the issuer of the check raises an issue after it's cashed/deposited. Who wants to travel to a bank, anyway? I haven't been inside one in many months.
Why can't Tauck cancel the check by putting a stop to it at their bank?
Stopping a check incurs a fee and the bank doesn't guarantee that the stop will work. The bank does "best effort".
The original poster has not been back to the forum and will not see any of this discussion
If you are wondering where British got this info- it is from Lilyrivas profile page. It shows he/she/they joined, visited only once and made a single post on 1 July, but hasn't been back since! That kinda tells you something!
It's also where I got the timing in my first response. On the day of the OPs first post is gave the exact time they joined and posted.
Alan and British
It appears unless you are signed into your account while reading the forum it does not show up as a "visit". I read the postings on a daily basis (while not signed in) and have since my "join date" in 2012. I only sign in to post a comment. My "visit" total (before this posting) is 22 not 4,380 (365 days x12 years).
I never go to the forum w/o being able to post so I have it set up so I'm always signed on. Since Lilyrivas posted, they were signed on at least once. I wonder who "Liked" the post?
I stay logged in for several months whern I come to the forum. Why do you consciously log out after making a post?
The advantage of being logged in is you can easily see the new posts since your last visit.
Yes, of course.
It is personal preference. My desktop computer in my home office which I use for all my accounts I shut down after using. My ipad which stays on 24/7, I use in the kitchen, on the couch, on the deck has a bookmark Tauck community "" and I can view UTD postings without being signed in. I don't post as frequently as others so no need to stay signed in.
I have to log in every time, how do I stay signed in?