Question Regarding Departing from Kilimanjaro at End of Tour (Grand Family Safari)

Sorry for the 11th hour question, but my in-laws recently got from their travel agent the digital "Green Book" information and they noticed at the end of these tours that it states...

"Please note that it may take up to three hours to clear security, as wait times can vary due to passenger volume, airport staffing levels,
recent events, and other factors. Please ensure that your departing flight is scheduled accordingly."

So they started doing the math...

They have a 5:20 pm flight leaving Kilimanjaro - 3 hours - 1 hour ride = depart Gran Melia @ 1:20 pm.

My in-laws, now in a mild state of stress called Tauck as the tour information provided on the website, only states the following...

"Tour concludes after a flight back to the city of Arusha, a visit to the Shanga community project, and lunch at the Cultural Heritage Center. Flights departing Africa leave late tonight; we have reserved a day room for you at the Meliá Arusha so that you can repack and relax as you wish. A transfer is included from the Meliá Arusha to Kilimanjaro International Airport this evening."

I guess Tauck didn't consider that some flights (Ethiopian air) may leave early evening. Tauck advised my in-laws in a phone call today that the earliest they can get them to the airport will be 3:30 pm.

So the question from my in-laws to the boards here - is just under 2 hours enough time to check-in and leave Kilimanjaro? I would assume it would also mean racing to get repacked as well. If any of you have information that I can pass along, I would greatly appreciate it.

We (my family) elected to stay and an extra night in Arusha and leave the following day as we had no desire to try to repack and leave the same day the trip ends so the above question only applies to my in-laws and BIL who is on the same flight with them.


  • dogdoctor - this can be an issue on several tours. In hindsight it is best to do this math in advance while having discussions with Tauck, prior to purchasing tickets. Even then if purchased tickets flight times change a problem could arise when you thought you were all set.

    That said, it seems like there are only a couple of possible options which all come with some associated risk/cost.

    a) hold to the current plans, knowing that means a lot of frantic rushing around at the hotel and the airport, possibly resulting in missing the flight and having to then deal with all of that.

    b) try to change the current flight to one day later, traveling with you, and absorb the costs associated with making late changes.

    c) try to arrange your own way to the airport the evening before, earlier in the morning, etc. to help ensure you make your international flight.

    None of the above are very good options.

    Good luck, hope it works out for the best.

  • Appreciate the reply @Smiling Sam .

    On the Danube Bridges tour - Tauck gave specific details about departing flights - indicating a time that any time after is appropriate to fly home. So I think my in-laws assumed (incorrectly so) that any evening flight would be acceptable. But it could have been a misunderstanding of the travel agent as well. Regardless... here we are.

    They are highly debating trying to change the flight out. I know they were starting discussions with the travel agent and Tauck about trying to push it out one day.

    But that is why I asked the question of those that have flown home/out of Kilimanjaro. Is rushing and 1 hour 50 minutes enough time to check-in at JRO or is that simply pushing it to close. I can't answer that since I've never flown through there.

  • edited July 3

    dog doctor - Have you looked at this:

    It says their international check in counter is open 3 hours before a flight and closes 1 hour before a flight. I don’t know if you can make any assumptions from it, but the 1 hour 50 minutes is close to the middle of that window.

  • Dogdoctor, so sorry to hear this so late in the game for you. Who can say if it is enough time, it could vary depending on the day. My gut feeling is that they will be Ok. But would hate to be wrong. Another solution might be for them to just do carry on, maybe that might make it a bit quicker and that is certainly doable for this particular tour as no dress up at all is needed and laundry is cheap.
    Sam, your suggestion about flying out the day before doesn’t work as the tour only arrives back in Arusha that day.
    I’m sure there is likely to be a room at the hotel for an extra night, it looks like a huge hotel. The flight is the problem, how much will it cost to change their flight? Maybe your in-laws can affordable to do this, I know you really on a stricter budget.
    Unfortunately, the only tour that I can think of that leaves from Arusha is the family safari. All others leave from elsewhere, so less people here will be able to help.
    My worry is the short layover in Doha for us, I’ll be so glad to just get there on time. I hoping to be still alive when we can just say ‘ Beam me up Scotty’

  • Crumbs, I just looked at our flights because my hubby could not remember when we leave. We leave at 5-55p,m, and the information for the tour says don’t book flights before 5pm and your in-laws have done that.
    My husband also pointed out that Tauck have had that information for months and probably it is the same for all of you. Maybe recent events have changed the situation. Oh well too late for us to do anything.

  • edited July 4

    Well well well! I literally just received a text message from Tauck stating the same message as you say Dogdoctor. It talks about dinner at the hotel. Someone has screwed up. The tour page said not to book flights until after 5pm which we did

    Here is that part of the document s we got

    Jul 14, 2024 Arusha hotel anytime. Arrive anytime Kilimanjaro Airport
    Jul 23, 2024 Arusha hotel at 4:30 PM. Flights should depart after 5:00 PM

  • @British - I didn't want to say anything disparaging against Tauck, but my FILs comments to Tauck today was that they have had their flight info since November and no one said a thing. At this point I'm not sure where the fault lies. The travel agent for not coordinating with Tauck on the times needed to leave Arusha or Tauck for not communicating better with guests and travel agents when the tour really ends. I don't even had supporting documentation that the "Arusha hotel at 4:30 PM. Flight should depart after 5:00 PM." Where did you even see it state not to book flights until after 5:00 pm. I certainly never saw that!

    Wait a can you arrive at the hotel at 4:30 and then say book flights after 5:00 pm?! At minimum it should read book flights after 8:30 pm.

    I'm sorry that I have made you worry/got you caught up in this too. Ugh.

    I will keep you posted on what my in-laws decide to do. I suspect they are going to wing it. I'll have my wife reach out to them tomorrow or later this week.

  • The original paperwork when we booked said not to book flights until after 5pm. That is where I copied and pasted the above. It just says the tour ends at 4-30pm. I told my husband and he is furious and they have had our flight details for longer than that. We can’t change flights and I don’t want to upset the family by even telling them about this and the only reason I know this is because I saw your message. The only hope is to ask to go straight to the Mela hotel when we arrive from the Serengeti, then we can collect our bags and go to the airport. After spending over $100000 on this trip! My husband said Tauck will have to sort it. Since we go five days before you, we will be the Guinea pigs here.

  • @British and for those following along...

    A solution has been worked out.
    1. Tauck will bring their bags to the Arusha Cultural Center
    2. Tauck will arrange transportation from the Cultural Center to Kilimanjaro Airport
    3. Tauck implied they will get my in-laws to the airport on time (3 hours before flight)

    While it is less than ideal, Tauck is making amends to try to rectify the issue.

  • edited July 9

    Tauck typically makes things work if at all possible as dogdoctor's post shows. Also, just because you booked a flight that leaves enough time, doesn't mean the airline won't change it. In such cases Tauck had been good about finding or making alternate arrangements.

    As far as packing. Your inlaws should plan on being packed for the fllghts home or have clothing staged for easy transfer into suitcases, before leaving the Serengeti.

  • Tauck got back to me yesterday. The agent apologized for the misleading/contradictory information about the last day of the tour.
    Apparently, on our tour, which starts three days before Dogdoctor’s, all but four people are on early flights. Two solutions are in the works, details of which I won’t mention as it will be more useful to report what actually does occur. Our TD is a long time Tauck employed in the area and we have had him for another tour which is also reassuring.
    I’ve explained everything to my family.
    I’m still anxious about us and our bags making the second flight. We are using the concierge service at Doha to escort us to our next flight. We just have to hope our flight from JFK is not delayed as there is a possibility of the hurricane being around there.
    During my research, I discovered via a site that is mostly for Kilimanjaro climbers, that 1 to 2 people out of 7 have luggage that does not make it on a flight to Arusha JRO. There are no direct flights. We had it happen once when we flew via Amsterdam.
    I also discovered on the Qatar airways website that right now, for any flights, they recommend getting to the airport 3. 5 hours before your flight because of enhanced security. For some airports such as Heathrow, it is 4 hours and a couple of others it is 4.5 hours.

  • When I went to K & T, my luggage made it but my friend's didn't, thank goodness it came 2 days later.

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