Portrait of India questions! Luggage, water, etc

Hi everyone

  1. what luggage did you bring? Seems suitcase + duffel + carry on + personal item is a lot.
  2. did you bring a filtration water bottle/straw/tablets?
  3. how much did you tip total per person?
  4. anything you wish you'd packed and didnt?
  5. any other tips?

I am kind of an OCD traveller so any preparation is worth it! Thank you!


  • 1) No requirement to bring max allowed luggage. Bring what you feel comfortable with, within the allowed limits.
    2) No
    3) Current rate $12 x 18 days = $216, rounded to $200 / person. Raise up or down as you see fit based on performance.
    4) No
    5) Have fun, take it all in. It’s a fabulous tour.

  • Pollorenco - Have you received your duffel yet? Size? I was thinking the same thing on luggage but it doesn’t mean you have to pack the duffel full. I’m going to see how big it is and then make up my mind on what goes where.

  • Not sure of the reasoning but...for the Portrait of India tour, I received my duffel on-site. For the Northern India + Nepal tour, the duffel (which was smaller than the POI duffel) was mailed to my home. Upon arrival, the TD gave each traveler another large duffel (the same one we used for the Portrait of India tour). He thought the mailed duffel was too small. Of course you had the option of declining the larger duffel or leaving the smaller duffel behind at the first hotel. It worked out well. As I already had a larger duffel from my first tour, I decided to use it while on your, but I left it in Mumbai. The smaller one came in handy to transport the few items I purchased in Nepal and all the Tauck gifts the TD provided. Don't forget your bathing suit for the visit to Kerala.
    POI is a great tour--in my Top 3!

  • My trip info says it will be mailed but I guess I’ll see. Pure luxury what’s the size of each?

  • I’m arriving the 24th of September for the Portrait of India tour which starts the 25th of September. I sent an inquiry to the hotel to see if we could hire a guide and driver on the 24th to see some of the sites (the Red Fort, Jama Masjid, Chandni Chowk) not included on the tour. Though I haven’t heard back yet Is anyone else interested in sharing the costs?

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