Small group - evening visit to Louvre - which night?

We are taking the Normandy, Brittany, Paris and Loire Valley small group land tour in April 2025. At the end, we have two full days in Paris (evening arrival from Giverny, first full day is a city bus tour in the morning and walking tour in the afternoon; second full day offers Musee d'Orsay and a farewell dinner.)

We are repeat visitors to Paris and plan to spend the first full day on our own (opting out of the bus tour and the walking tour). We plan to get tickets to places we want to see and use public transportation or walk.

I've considered a boat ride on the Seine but it was also mentioned that the small group tours are also given an evening tour of the Louvre. I would not want to book a boat tour that conflicts with the Louvre visit. Can any offer insight as to the timing of the Lourve visit? The Tauck agent is not able to help over the phone. The itinerary for this tour does not mention the Louvre visit at all but I know I read it somewhere!


  • Per the 2024 & 2025 itineraries posted on Tauck's website and in my 2025 color catalog, they don't include the Louvre after hours visit anymore. I believe they had some issues with the museum canceling on them and have dropped that activity. You could call Tauck to double check. It's too bad as it was a highlight of the tour for us.

  • We are going on this trip this fall. An after hours tour is not included on our itinerary. We have scheduled a morning tour on our own the first full day in Paris rather than taking the bus tour.

  • When we did this tour in 2023, not all tours (small group or otherwise) visited the Louvre. The only way to tell was to call Tauck. I did and found out our tour would not visit the Louvre. So, we booked a private guide who we met after the Tauck bus tour. We had time to visit Sainte Chapel, the Conciergerie, and the Louvre with her. The Louvre was very crowded and we only had a little over two hours to spend there- from what we heard it was about the same amount of time Tauck typically spent there. Our guide knew right where they were located and the best route to get there, so we saw many of the biggies.

    The next day we departed the group after the Musee D'Orsay visit and walked to the Roden museum and then to the Eiffel Tower before walking back to the hotel, Le Meurice. We had a little time to rest and freshen up before the farewell at Fouquets. We purchased tickets for everything in Versailles and Paris in the months and weeks before our tour.

  • These are awesome pictures, thanks. Brings back good memories

  • Yes, the Tauck afterhours tour wasn't long. Mostly the guide focuses on Venus de Milo, Winged Victory, Mona Lisa and 1 other painting I don't remember. The main advantage was no crowds.

  • Thanks everyone for the info and awesome pictures! We have been to Paris before so trying to figure out what to squeeze into our time while the group might be doing something we aren't interested in like a bus tour of the city. I will call Tauck regarding the Lourve tour.

  • Surgie,

    We enjoy the Montmartre area (highest point in Paris). The little train/trolley is fun to take as it goes up and up the hill. You would need several hours, however.

    Another option would be to explore the Marais District—the old Jewish quarter in the 4th arrondissement. It's a great place to stroll and have a scrumptious falafel.

    If interested, your hotel's concierge can assist with transportation options.

  • Thank you for those suggestions kfnknfzk. I called Tauck and the agent said the small group Louvre tour did not happen at all in 2024, she suspects due to the Olympics and preparation. Tauck has submitted date requests for 2025 but they have not heard anything back yet so I will wait a couple months and check back.

  • edited August 15

    You are most welcome. I do hope you can experience the after-hours Louvre tour. Good luck to you.

  • edited October 15

    AlanS you have put together a good description of your trip to Normandy, Brittany, Paris & Loire Valley in 2023. Do you have a copy of your Tauck Tour Director's itinerary given to you on the trip? it would be helpful. Thanks

  • ricwig

    5:29PM edited 5:35PM
    AlanS you have put together a good description of your trip to Normandy, Brittany, Paris & Loire Valley in 2023. Do you have a copy of your Tauck Tour Director's itinerary given to you on the trip? it would be helpful. Thanks


    Well, I looked- I save everything, from every trip- I have every ticket, stub, attraction brochure, map, menu, etc, etc. from this trip, enough to fill an accordion folder, but can not find a TD itinerary! My wife says she doesn't think we got one, which would be unusual. I don't remember, but, in any case, we unfortunately do not have one. Sorry.

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