Seine river cruise question
We are considering "Cruising the Seine Plus Paris and London" next July. Has anyone taken a Tauck Seine River cruise and chosen to not visit the Normandy D day beaches? We visited the beaches on an ocean cruise a few years ago and do not wish to repeat. There are no alternative tours offered and the boat drops guests off at one location for the departure of Normandy tours and meets the returning busses at another location. This would seem to limit on your own touring options for that day. Any advice is appreciated.
Interesting question. We did this cruise in 2016 with the same Dday only offering. Then in 2021 took the Normandy land tour and I considered skipping the Dday tour and just staying in the town our hotel was in but I went anyway. It was largely a different day with different sights visited. If you decide to skip it you may just have to remain on board the ship and relax. If no one responds here with a good answer you might want to call Tauck. Fyi, the day we were to reboard our ship it was late getting to the town we were meeting it in. It got held up at a lock. Was only about 15-20 minutes late.
I did this cruise in 2022, I think that if you do not want to visit the Normandy beaches you can just stay and have a relaxed day aboard.