

  • Apparently it still takes 8 weeks, I thought it might be quicker. We have to renew next year and it’s going to be tricky between trips. We have to expedite.

  • I'll have to renew just after my next trip. Then, will have about 4 months until the following trip, so shouldn't be a problem. The 6 month leeway required for most travel is so stupid./ They should issue the passports for 10 years 6 months!

  • Cathy, good to know it’s that fast. I don’t like being without my passport!

  • This was recently written on the forum in July”. Yes, alot of empty pages!

    -New rules at South Africa's airports require travelers that are transiting through or visiting South Africa, to have FOUR CONSECUTIVE blank visa pages in your passport which lie side-by side when the passport is open (i.e. a left and a right-hand page). These must be pages marked "visa" at the top.*
    -Guests will need two additional blank visa pages in their passport for their arrival into Zambia or transit through Zimbabwe. (These two additional pages need not be consecutive with the blank four-page spread noted above that is required for entry into South Africa.)__

  • edited September 2024

    Recommendation: on US Passport renewal application: OPTION either - (at the same cost $130) --- [ ] Regular book (Standard) or
    [ ] Large book (Non-Standard) "The large book is for frequent international travelers who need more visa pages"
    I have the Large book -- it has 50 pages. Get the large book for numerous visa stamps.
    Historically, years ago I had a regular / standard passport book that was running out of room; and there was an option to have additional pages sewn in by the Passport Agency for free; then there was a cost to do this; adding additional pages does not exist anymore, and if you run out of room / empty pages -- a new passport book renewal is necessary.
    Addendum: Large Passport Book -- advocacy -- was also mentioned in discussion; General: Rush My Passport,
    My timeline: renewed passport (without special handling / no expedite) 9 weeks -- June to Aug 2023.

  • I read this past week that later this year Schengen countries will no longer be stamping passports upon entry..Apparently they will be utilizing biometrics instead of current procedure. Mixed feelings in liking the stamps but we have run out of pages before expiration in the past.

  • Just came back from South Africa. All we got on entry were 2 stamps that were the size of a US quarter on one page, then one stamp (same size) upon leaving. On our way back from Zimbabwe, we changed planes in Jo'burg and got a transit stamp (same size), all were on one page.

  • edited September 2024

    The Passport book system is now a combination of a legacy paper bookeepimg with visa stamps and a new electronic record. Many countries scan your electronic identification from your passport and facial take a photo when you go enter a different country. What is the future -- eye iris scans and fingerprints. Is our personal identifiable information (PII) safe? -- I am concerned because of too many data breaches. Now, Global Entry upon re-entering the USA uses facial recognition - this is techology working at its best.

  • I really like the facial recognition for Global Entry. It's really quick - you don't even have to show your passport.

  • I have gotten on International flights without showing my ticket nor my passport … just my face. I think that was in Amsterdam. On this trip the TSA system had dropped my passport, so I had no TSA Pre check. They tossed me into the regular cue even though I had documentation showing that I should have had pre-check. I think AA got it straightened out, but I won’t know until I try to get home.

  • Unless TSA precheck is on the boarding pass, they won't honor it, even if you show your Global Entry, etc. card.

  • Yes. That happened to me

  • It’s happened to me and I returned to check-in, showed them my Global Entry, and got a new boarding pass with TSA precheck printed on it. This was at Tucson airport, where the distances and lines aren’t as long as at some airports.

  • edited September 2024

    Review before trip -- in each different airline electronic profile --- Global Entry: Known Traveler Number -- KTN or Pass ID #; Passport #, frequent flyer # and contact information. I carry my Global Entry card and use it at security -- as it is Federal ID; rather than my State issued Driver's license with a STAR on it (another valid option). My boarding passes are issued without an agent, prior to arriving at airport with early checkin, and have TSA approved printed on it. Obviously -- there are glitches in the system but try to avoid.

  • Even if you do all that, when you get to check in, the agent can miss putting it on. They often say it’s not on your profile when you know it is because you checked.

  • So just a word of warning about the online passport renewal. We were in the pilot group and submitted ours end of Dec 2022. They had a ton of problems with it and it took somewhere between 3-4 months. We had to get our Congress person involved to help. Many people that submitted the regular way got theirs faster. Also, our Congressional liaison told us that the State Dept mentioned that if there is a problem, when there is a physical application someone can go grab it and expedite it. The online ones went to a black hole and they couldn’t flag them or pull them out. Things may have changed since then, especially since we were in the pilot, which I am sure was to find the bugs.

  • JeffandKim - things have def changed. We renewed ours online in November and it took less than 2 weeks.

  • We also renewed ours online recently. We applied for them within a half hour of each other. We did not pay for expedited service. My husband’s came in ten days, mine took four weeks.

  • I submitted my passport renewal the afternoon of February 15, 2025 and received my new passport today, February 22. No request for expedited processing. February 17 was a federal holiday but it did not appear to impact the processing. My husband submitted his request later on February 15 and he is still waiting. The on-line renewal is convenient and easy.

  • edited February 23

    I tried to renew online, but dang, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the passport photo to look any good. It always came out looking like the stranger in the mirror!!! B):DB)

    The process was fairly straight forward except for IT weenie gotchas, e.g above date boxes it shows the date in parens as MM/DD/YYYY yet what the software wants and will only accept, must be in the format of "Dec 23, 1950" :#

  • @AlanS ... agree that the date information does not match the example, which is odd.

  • Alan did you take your own picture from the website?

  • Yes, I used the one taken after my mud bath at the Dead Sea on the Petra to Pyramids tour :D:D .

    No, actually, I just took new ones, but the website software said background (light tan wall) was not white enough. I'll take more tomorrow.

  • We always go to CVS for photos for passports and visas.

  • Using your own camera to take your passport photo for the online application is incredibly easy. You follow general guidelines- white or light background, no smile, no glasses. approx size, etc. Then, as you upload the photo the online software does any cropping needed. Seriously, it was easy.

  • Agree. It is very easy and you are taking the picture in the comfort of your home. When you reach the place in the application to upload the picture, you just have to push the file into location on the application. You don't even have to remember the name of the file.

  • I just did a renewal application this morning. It took 4 attempts to get the picture accepted. At first, they didn't like mu off-white wall as background. When I changed from a light to dark shirt and retried, it was accepted.

    Alan - regarding the dates, I just brought up their calendar and entered the date that way.

  • edited March 2

    We couldn't upload ours either -- it just would NOT take either one of our photos, but this was also when the online renewal was new and I think they've tweaked things since then. We went to AAA, they take passport photos for free and we scanned it into our phone, did it online, got passports in less than 2 weeks.

  • edited March 8

    Passport renewal online- UPDATE

    I applied for our new passports online on Feb 24, a little over a week and a half ago and requested "Standard Processing" ("4–6 weeks, but it can take up to 10 weeks"). I submitted mine in the morning and my wife's that afternoon. My wife got her new one on Monday, 3 March- it only took one week! For some reason (according to the USPS tracking it could be weather in the south east and central US?) mine won't be here until today - 13 days. Still, that's not too bad and much faster than the 4 - 6 weeks stated on the website! :)

    Suggestion, if you are impatient like me and want to stay updated, make sure you check the box on the application page to receive processing updates and tracking, including the USPS tracking number! I checked the box on my application but not on my wife's. I got regular email updates when my application was received, approved, payment was approved, passport shipped, etc., etc. I didn't check the box on my wife's application so we didn't get any updates about its status. It totally surprised us when her new passport arrived in a week!! (FYI our new passports were evidently prepared in and/or shipped from Texas or Arkansas (?), there are several locations.

  • @AlanS. My online renewal passport shipped from Arizona. It took one week and I received frequent emails with updates and the tracking number.

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