South African Elegant Tour

Can any women give me an idea what you took for travel dinner clothes. We will be going in mid May and any weather advice on what to take.


  • When does your tour start? We will be on the May 16 trip. I’m interested in answers too.

  • milmil
    edited 2024 21

    Wear same thing you would to a restaurant back home... -
    When in safaris even dinners are very casual, at the lodges, you wear casual cocktail and at fancy rest, like in Cape town just wear same as you would in your own town for a nice dinner, anniversary dinner, promotion event, engagement event, after the Opera dinner... etc. , Capiche!
    The one helpful advice someone here told me is....
    The people in the group, just like you are there for the animals, not to watch a fashion show... take what makes you feel good and comfortable, but don't forget to wear lipstick and lots of perfume.... Ahh! and walk sexy! . :)
    That easy.

  • I'll add a personal comment about the perfume suggestion. Please tone it down. Some of us respond poorly to scents. A few years ago we were on the Ireland trip with my sister-in-law. We were eating at the restaurant in the Pullman car at one of the hotels. Someone (non-Tauck) came in with an overabundance of perfume (you could smell it as she walked down the aisle) and sat in the booth behind her. My sister-in-law became ill and had difficulty breathing. The staff was able to open the window and move her elsewhere in the car and the dinner finished OK. But...for awhile we weren't sure if she would need medical attention!

  • I think Mil is not being totally serious.

  • edited 2024 21

    I'm with Kathy M. I really dislike strong scents on people. I find it off putting.

    I often find that older women wear very strong scents. I think perhaps they've lost some of their sense of smell and put a lot on.

    My wife is a professional musician. The orchestras prohibit any of the musicians - men or women - from wearing scents. It can have a negative effect on the other musicians, especially those who play wind instruments.

  • We were on an Elegant Adventure in October. When in the cities you will have an opportunity to dress up a bit. But while on Safari, we went right from the bush to dinner wearing the clothes we had on. The meals were casual buffets. The afternoon session went from 4-7. You will be up at 5:30 in the am so you will want to go to bed early. A wonderful experience.

  • edited 2024 22

    I agree with Mike and Kathy M regarding perfume/aftershave. I find it repulsive as well as people who drown themselves in it. As far as dress goes, I have been on four safaris using carry on only and not once did I see anyone wearing casual cocktail clothing. In the bush you go from afternoon game drives to dinner without changing clothes. Some people like to put on the ritz for the farewell dinner, but I never have. Basic black with maybe some fake “bling” ( don’t travel with the good stuff unless you are willing to lose it ) and colorful accessories are the best way to go IMO. This is a great tour. The “elegance” of it is in your accommodations and itinerary, not in your clothing.

  • I have allergies, so a long time ago I stopped wearing perfume (even though I'm not allergic to it) I understand that some people are sensitive to smells, my allergy is about Ibuprofen or any other medicine that has it.

  • milmil
    edited 2024 27

    People CHILL OUT !!! it was just a joke.... Wao!
    I'm so glad I'm giving myself a break from Tauck and all the drama.. :#

  • Yes Mil you meant it as a joke and should not be attacked for it. However, it isn't a joke to others hence a reaction that feels like an attack to you but to others is just relaying that something as simple as perfume can be a problem for others.

    I'm not allergic to perfume but if my sinuses are irritated during pollen season someone else's strong perfume (or other strong scents) will set me off sneezing. I do believe people who wear scent regularly get desensitized to it and over do it without even realizing they are.

  • milmil
    edited 2024 28

    Hey Claudia!
    Nice to hear from you, hope you had a great holiday.
    No, I don't feel attack and I do understand people with allergies. I'm cool, I only care for those I like and the rest.. I wish them the best.
    :) I'm clear with the Tauck clientele...

    Take care lady, I'm always available on PM if you need me.

  • I get you Mil.

  • milmil
    edited 2024 29

    Gladys, dear... I hope you're doing well and had a great Christmas, nice to hear from you too and would love to hear about your future travels.
    I have 2025 all setup and paid! cannot wait, 3 different destinations non with Tauck.
    Well dear... as you know I'm always available and will keep in touch via PM. :)
    Have a great and safe New Years.

  • Thank you Mil, hope you enjoyed Christmas and many wishes for a happy and healthy 2025. I will PM.

  • Thank you for your input. I also posted about vaccinations, but have not gotten any response . Any input?

  • JoAnneC
    Okay, now seriously. - which ever you decide to get, please do NOT! get them all at once- people get really ill and it can ruin your plans.
    Spare them withing 2-3 month prior to the trip.
    I got Yellow Fever several years ago for Kenya & Tanz.- Typhoid, Malaria and Tdap. nothing else
    Ask your Dr. first- one advise call Costco some do have them and cost it's 1/2 of a travel clinic. if your Dr. doesn't provide the shots.
    I have taken Malarone- no side effects- always at breakfast time with dairies- milk, yogurt etc..
    No problems at all.

    Hopefully this helps

  • Thank you all for our input . Great advice.

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