Turkish Airlines Bedbugs

Hi all. I just read from multiple news outlets reports of bedbug infestations on numerous Turkish airlines flights, and that customer complaints have fallen on deaf ears. Flights mentioned were from several US cities.


  • Yes, I read that several days ago but did not want to be my usual Debbie Downer

  • edited January 5

    It would be easy to fumigate an aircraft if it can be taken out of service for a couple of days. I’m sure Turkish Airlines wants to clear this up as soon as possible. If they don’t, no one will travel with them.

    The reports have probably already hurt their business. And stories like this have a long life.

  • edited January 6

    Apparently, when I read about it a few days ago, it costs too much to keep a plane out of service for a few days plus the cost of the fumigation. Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate.

  • We flew TA business class for our Black Sea to Budapest trip last June and we had a great experience. We were planning on using them on trips to Turkey and Malta this year. This is very disappointing, since it appears to have been going on for a while. Does anyone have any recent experiences with them?

  • I flew TA business class in October (Venice - Istanbul - Newark)- no issues. It was a fantastic experience.

  • Traveled to our India trip with them in October and was good experience. Great biz class lounge in Istanbul. Sure hope this gets cleared up soon as we were hoping to travel with them again later this year.

  • Too bad. I've enjoyed several flights on Turkish Airlines. My latest was this past November. No bedbugs.

  • Maybe more of a problem in coach and on smaller aircraft flying domestic routes?

  • The flights I saw specifically mentioned were business class SFO to Istanbul and IAD to Istanbul. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • edited January 7

    That is one reason I always like my skin covered when flying. When was the last time airline seats have been cleaned. I mean really cleaned. I will never wear shorts or a skirt; only long pants. That is just me.

  • On a related note, when in hotels, I don't lay clothes out on the bed or fabric furntiure such as sofas. I use the wood and glass tables.

  • Yes, we try to do the same. We unpack the suitcases on the wood floor as we enter the house and then they go straight into the unfinished basement. We could be a lot more diligent. The small amount of clothing that is unworn, we hang in the laundry room for a few days, not the best way to be sure of nothing having any that could migrate to you. Some people don’t even take their suitcases in the house in the winter on the return from a trip as the cold can help kill the bugs I think. You only have to talk to people who have experienced bedbugs and the nightmare to eradicate them from their homes to see how traumatized they are. We know someone who had it happen to them. The bugs hide in fabric headboards, soft furnishings, behind paintings above beds as well as the obvious place like the piping around mattresses.

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