Luggage Requirement for Jordan and Egypt tour

I am confused about the luggage requirements for this tour. I understand the one piece of luggage weighing no more than 50 lbs. But on the intra-tour flights, are you allowed a regular carry on, in addicting to the 11 pound carry on item? I did not get a clear answer when I called Tauck. The person to whom I talked did not really give me a definite answer. Thanks for your help.


  • This is what it says on the tour page

    Besides the checked luggage limitations noted above, you are allowed to bring one piece of carry-on luggage aboard your intra-tour flights, not to exceed a weight of 11 lbs (5 kg),with overall dimensions (length + width + height) not exceeding 43" (110 cm) due to space restrictions in overhead storage bins aboard the charter flights, motor coaches; larger carry-ons will be stowed in the luggage compartment under the coach.

    It is not acceptable that a Tauck agent does not have a definitive answer.

    At one time, I would bring a small backpack with things like a change of clothes, meds, book, iPad etc plus a very small handbag.
    These days, I don’t take a handbag. I put my usual handbag stuff in a see through sort of thin cosmetics size bag which I can quickly access and put in another bag, or if valuables in it, transfer to the hotel safe. I also take a very small cross over bag that just holds my cell phone and a couple of other things. I also take a lightweight small folding backpack for daytime needs…all these go in my one carry on backpack, so that when I go to the airport, I have both hands free and when I go through security and withTSA Precheck in the US, I don’t have to mess around with anything but the backpack…less chance of forgetting and misplacing anything at a busy security area. But most importantly, if we are taking more than one flight to a final destination and a delayed flight requires us to run to the next Gate, we can do it easily.
    For me, more and more, the most stressful part of any vacation is the airports, trouble with flights etc. Do you remember back in the day when going to an airport was all part of an exciting vacation….ahhhh!

  • Thanks, British. What I do not understand is if you can have a regular carry-on in addition to the bag weighing 11 pounds. On other trips with intra-tour flights that required a smaller bag (such as the Botswana, Zambia, and South Africa tour-on which we had a duffle bag for the 6 night safari, we also had our regular carry-on, which was transported by Tauck to the next city on the itinerary). So I don't know if we can also have a the regular carry-on in addition to the 11 pound bag. I am going to call Tauck bag and ask for a supervisor to see if I can get a definitive answer. You are right, it is definitely acceptable that a Tauck agent does not have a definitive answer.

  • How I read it, is you are just allowed one bag on the plane. I’ve been to Jordan with Tauck, but not Egypt.

  • Ruby, they mean you can check a standard 50 lb bag (call it whatever you want- sometimes Tauck is loose with their terms) main bag and carry a small 11 lb bag. (43" (L + W + H ) carry-on which is just about the same size as a standard carry-on which vary by airline but are typically 22" X 14" X 9" (45"). That is it. Just because someone doesn't like to use large 50 lb checked bags, they still can't have two smaller 34 lb bags for instance. Whatever you want to call them you get one main bag and one small carry on bag. You are limited to one 50 lb (max) checked bag and one 11 lb (max) bag to carry on.

    You must remember airline weights are airline weights based on size and weight and Tauck weights for on-tour flights (and on tour) are based on size, weight, AND baggage handling. often by the driver and even the TD.

    Often they will allow you to take one small personal item like a purse, but it doesn't say that for this trip. What it does say is you can bring a small day bag (with items from your other luggage- meds, camera, etc.) on the bus excursions.

  • British I certainly do, going to the airport was exciting and in those times I also dressed better than I do now, lol.
    I've never had a suitcase weigh more than 37 pounds going, coming back it may weigh a little more. :D

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