Packing tips.

Going on the 14 day tour June 17-30 and looking for tips on clothing and packing. Thank you!


  • Layers and be ready for liquid sunshine.

  • edited January 27

    Concur on the layers. You could easily see everything from cool temps/rain to a heat wave. And many of the hotels don't have AC. Worry about being able to adjust to the weather rather than bringing multiple dressy outfits.

  • If you are new to Tauck. Please note the one checked bag rule and small carry on suitable for overhead on a coach

  • I brought an airplane "underseater" carry on on this and many other Tauck trips, as well as a medium sized checked bag. There was never an issue with my taking the underseater to and from my room but stowing it in the undercarriage of the bus when we traveled between hotels. Many people do that. Except for actually transferring it into and out of the bus at curbside, Tauck isn't handling the bag, I am.

  • MCD, I have the same sort of wheeled underseater. It's easy for me to move around in the airport and provides plenty of room for emergency clothes enroute, medication, electronics, etc that can't be packed. It's also easy for me to set on top of the bigger bag and wheel around. I also carry some sort of small tote or backpack as a daypack on the coach and for the things I want easy access to during the flights. I can easily do 2 weeks with this amount of luggage.

  • I take on suitcase and one carry on, Tauck has no problem letting put the carry on on the undercarriage of the bus and like MCD I handle it myself. I've used the same luggage for 2 week and 3 week tours.

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