Covid testing coming back to US and tour schedule
Hello everyone...
As we all wait an eternity for the opening of international flights and someone out there to want us back..., I have read several articles regarding requirements when traveling... We all know about the 96 hour Covid test from point of departure ( easy we'll be home) but I wonder ... as our tour ends, some transit countries do request the test again , specially those flying out of Egypt in my case. Although, I know it is not TAUCK's responsability.... I would like to ask if TAUCK has a plan of action. those anyone know... would they have any contact with labs that can provide the service with the certanty that results will be ready within the time frame impose by the airlines.. and would this stop interrupt the tour itinerary.
Please advise.
I think it is premature to spend much time and effort to develop a plan. It is a moving target and who knows what will be and what countries, airlines, etc. will require when we are able to start flying internationally again.
AlanS , Hi
I understand and agree with your response.. but I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything.... This wait is absolutely maddening! I cannot stand bad mood, even at work everyone is asking me .. how soon will I be going on Vac. It's that bad... my patience is very short now a days :
Considering we normally travel so much and all our and singing in a show each year being the main ones, are not possible right now, we have kept ourselves very busy, although I am dreading the winter. Any ‘down’ feelings I get are because I worry so much about how my children and grandchildren are coping. Mil, chin up, it can only get better...well, I hope!
Things sure are tough wrt travel. I decided not to dwell too much on something I have absolutely no control over. You may have noticed, as a result, my participation here has tapered off. I've been spending more time in my woodworking shop, building projects, repairing/tweaking machines, and working on the shop itself. These endeavors keep me active and challenge my brain. There is almost nothing new on TV so we have been watching (catching up on) "As Time Goes By" and "Midsomer Murders". In the case of the latter, we've only made it to season 8 of 21(?) so have a long way to go.
British ... congratulations ... that is the closest thing to a positive post I’ve seen from you in months!
I just pray ... once we are okay to travel , I'll fit in the bus seat....
This has definitely been a year of catching up on home projects. We've been trying for months to get a contractor to replace our aging deck. Finally started this past week and the contractor said decks is all he's done all summer. From lots of sources we've been hearing of supply chain issues with building supplies. Not sure if it's the virus or just lots of people all trying to get work done on their homes.
Claudia, our deck renovation was finished yesterday, so lots more gardening to do, I laid a few pavers yesterday!
Sealord, I’m just being realistic, I still don’t think there will be a vaccine for us until at least the summer and tours in the first half of the year will not go ahead. So I’m being negative again.
Did anyone read Colin Treadwell’s latest muse, suggesting We visit London, quarantine in a hotel for two weeks, not leaving their room, and then starting site seeing?
I saw Colin Treadwell's column and as much as I would like to be in London (our next Tauck tour is London - Paris in spring 2021), I would not want to quarantine in a hotel for two weeks.
Hello, I firmly believe that the Rapid Test (15m.) kit at check in time, is to start one of the best ways to prevent a quarantine at the arrival destination. If the result is negative you can board and go on with plans, but of course the Rapid Test is not 100% accurate either, so we are prisoners of the virus.
Testing worked well for the WH. Note - this is NOT a political post, but one about the usefulness of testing before being in a public setting.
The Rapid test is about as useful as temperature checks. Negatives may just give a false sense of being okay. I'll keep with my mask and social distancing.
The Rapid test is just another tool we have in hand... NOT! one for anyone to believe they are free to engage in irresponsible behavior ... of course , and Yes! you should keep SD, Washing hands etc... That is a fact. But still if the rapid test can be used together with any other new invention... wish it could help to prevent having to stay in a hotel for 3-4 days waiting for test result.
People the reality is that with Vaccine or not, Test or no test, a miracle or not! masks are the new normal as well as everything else. and they are here to stay.....
What ever it takes... I'll do, I just want to travel again...
One thing we found recently that helps with the mask is something called a "mask bracket". It's kind of a silicone/plastic frame that fits inside the mask and keeps the cloth away from your mouth. Amazon has a bunch of different ones to chose from. The first ones we ordered fit me fine but we're too small for my husband so pay attention to the measurements.
On an unrelated note, I watched 3 spammer threads go poof by being the 5th flagger. It's all about the timing
I really admire the motivation, persistence, and endurance you folks have for travel. We are scheduled for Japan in March, but that doesn't look like it's in the cards. As much as I long to return to Japan -- my wife even has relatives there, and I enjoy taking photos of the people and places there -- we wouldn't go. We're both very conservative in our own pandemic response and it looks like a long haul ahead. As you might know, I've spent my time learning new photo skills, so that's been keeping me somewhat occupied, and not very much cabin fever has set in yet. January might get dicey. Right now, we're starting the leaf pick-up routine which usually lasts to Thanksgiving week.