Jokulsarion Beach

This is the incredible Jokulsarlon Beach, where fragments of ICEBERGS wash up onto the beach. Although close to the Arctic Circle, Iceland is temperate, warmed by the Gulf Stream


  • We walked along several beaches in Iceland and Patagonia that were wild and rocky with those beautiful smooth black stones. What a gorgeous photo

  • When I saw the title of this thread, I was expecting a spam post. I was pleasantly surprised with your great pic, Doug.

  • beautiful capture....envious of all who's had the opportunity to walk that beach.

  • Thanks, let me give you one more I finished an hour ago. Godafoss.

    I thought I might have met my maker on the trail here -- it was winter, there was no visible trail, but snow, and some poles for markers. I was off the trail by a few feet and fell into a rivlet up to my waist. Damaged my equipment but insurance paid for the cameras. The rest of the group was walking faster and had left me out of sight.

  • These photos make me even more excited about our Iceland tour next June/July.

  • Don't forget your swim trunks. ;)

  • I don't know, Smiling Sam, what the tour schedule is, but if you can get up early, you can get view beautiful, rugged, pastel scenes. My images have been enhanced a bit, but they convey the experience, rather than strictly what comes off of the camera sensor.


  • Yes, swim trunks, you must swim in those youth giving lagoons, we look years younger since we went in, 🤪

  • Definitely plan to swim, at the Blue Lagoon at a minimum. If the Iceland tour is like other small ship tours that I have been on it seems that you often times are making port or departing port as the sun rises or sets. In Iceland at the end of June, that might not be the case since the sun may be up most of the 24 hours. Here are a couple of sunrise/sunset pictures from other small ship tours. None of my photos are enhanced, for better or worse (beyond my skill set).

    Approaching Santorini on the Greece and Turkey tour in 2011

    Approaching Sibenik on the Venice and Dalmatian Coast tour in 2016

    Leaving Venice on the same 2016 tour. This time at sunset instead of sunrise.

  • You might check out the Myvatn Nature Baths -- they seemed to be nicer than the Blue Lagoon, possibly less crowded.

  • BTW, Sam, I took my wife in July, too -- nice time to go, because she wanted to see the flowers, so there were lots of wildflowers -- unenhanced, LOL.

  • Doug - If next year's excursions are the same and they were planned for this year then the Myvatn Nature Baths excursion is scheduled at the same time as the excursion to Godafoss. I had selected the Godafoss excursion. On about any other day I would have loved to do the Myvatn Nature Baths. Bummer on the excursion scheduling, having to miss out on one or the other that appear to both be good options.

    British has posted lots of pictures of the flowers in Iceland. They are all very colorful, and surprising. One more treat to look forward to.

  • It's a great trip. Love the horses too.

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