EU poised to recommend halting nonessential travel from U.S. due to COVID spike

It looks like those of us who have upcoming European travel in the near term may have another hurdle to overcome. I came across this article which says a decision may be made on Monday.

EU poised to recommend halting nonessential travel from U.S. due to COVID spike



  • I saw a similar article earlier today. It's so hard to believe we have an effective vaccination & we are back to the possibility of another lock down. As a NURSE, with our quarantine rules, we've canceled all our International trips for this year and are staying domestic, but we have 2 trips booked for 2022 and 2 booked for 2023 - makes me wonder if this is the new norm- will we ever be guaranteed to travel again? It blows my mind that we are going backwards. This is all so discouraging. We are nervous to even travel domestically at this point. I've worn a mask everyday of my career for 34 years, but I HATE having to wear one when I travel.

  • I’m not afraid to travel domestically, have three of those before the end of the year snd our first foreign one in January followed by our first Tauck tour in two years In February, but that’s domestic. I have faith in masks

  • edited August 2021

    The article said something about no one objecting to a ban. I can assure you than European businesses would object. They are really happy to have Americans back … their businesses have a new lease on life. Another ban would probably put many more of them under. We have been welcomed with open arms everywhere. Many of them refer to our CDC cards as “the green card”. They ask to see “the green card”. It is ‘white’ of course.

  • edited August 2021

    Of course the real green card isn’t green anyway.
    We spent maybe a week or more in Malta in 1994. Do they take you to Gozo too?

  • British - We spent maybe a week or more in Malta in 1994.

    I think instead of Covid you've caught a bad case of deja vu. All of your posts lately have that 'When I was young' vibe to them. :D

  • I’ve just had a birthday, reflecting on life and wanting to travel again before idiot unvaccinated cause another variant, the longer they wait, the more likely it could happen. No one will want Americans

  • British - Well, Happy Birthday. Keep the faith. You're too young and active to starting singing the When I Was Young blues. :D

  • Thank you smfxterr!! It’s devastating…

  • The EU has removed the US from their 'safe' list. Ugh.

  • A little more detail..........The European Union recommended on Monday that Americans should be banned from nonessential travel to its member states after a rise in Covid-19 cases in the United States.
    Countries within the 27-nation bloc, which includes France, Italy and Germany, have been advised to reinstate coronavirus-related restrictions and halt the arrival of tourists from the US and five other countries.

    The guidance, which also now applies to Israel, Kosovo, Lebanon, Montenegro, and the Republic of North Macedonia, is non-binding for EU member states. That means it remains up to each individual EU country to decide whether to allow "nonessential travel to the EU for fully vaccinated travelers."

    It will be interesting to see what each country decides. We were really looking forward to our Normandy trip!

  • It is an unfortunate state of resurgence with Delta variant;we are almost where we were last spring.I am glad I rescheduled our Danube cruise in October.Still undecided about Galapagos in December.Carnival cruise reported one COVID-19 death in a vaccinated 77 year old.Too many uncertainties!

  • Taxare, Are there any websites you might know of that will have that info on France? Our Normandy, Brittany, Loire Valley trip was supposed to start on 9/18. I wouldn’t blame the French for keeping us out since Biden is still restricting all EU travelers, but geez, we were so excited about this trip.☹️

  • Too bad the entire US is treated as a uniform bloc. Annexation, anyone?

  • Sicily is under more stringent rules than the rest of Italy.

    We are scheduled for the 9/20 departure. Not sure we would enjoy the trip under these rules. Waiting for Italy to decide what they intend to do under these guidelines of the EU. Will give Tauck a few days to digest before contacting them. I hope they consider the traveler's experience and welfare, rather than continue the trip under these stringent rules. Just because they can run it does not mean they should. That being said, I look forward to the tour if it can be done safely and the restrictions are not too harsh. We were cancelled last year.

    I wish Tauck would invest in up to date web editing. It is not a hard task. When searching their website, I noticed there were inconsistencies in the 2 green messages at the top of the home page. It appears they don't edit previous text and just add on or include changes in the "updated daily," if at all. Our tour is not included in travel updates and the "open for travel" pages do not list the date of our tour although it is listed on the tour page!

    Many on this forum are willing to give Tauck a lot of slack but it should serve its loyal customers better. It is a large private company with over $168M in revenue. I have spent a lot of money with them over the last 16 years and will continue to do so - but I wish they would have accurate and easier communication channels.

  • We are now in Sicily and have been here for three days. No problem. No home made masks in Siracusa. We have been welcome everywhere.

  • New rules for Italy: Effective September 1, all travelers, regardless of vaccination status, will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 antigen or molecular test taken at most 72 hours before arrival into Italy. Children under 6 years of age will not be required to present a negative test result.

  • We are scheduled for Sicily 9/24. Flight planned 9/22. I hope a decision is made soon so we have time to maybe schedule a Canadian tour if Europe doesn’t want us!

  • This article gives at least some hope, if you are vaccinated.
    At this point, what I think, it will happen is that every country will request the PCR test and prove of vaccination if you want to travel... and I totally agree. Some already do.

  • edited August 2021

    I’m with bucket list on this one, other companies do a far better job on their website. I’ve pointed out several incorrect pieces of information and this was before we even heard of Covid. I guess to employ more website people, the tours will go up in price. And yet the last website update I have always thought was not as good as the one before. It’s much harder to find and compare tours with the newer website.

  • I read the article referenced above from and everything else I could get my hands on today and to any Tauck representatives who might be following this thread, I’d just like to ask one question: Is the Normandy trip still on for Sept. 19th? It’s still listed as being “active” on the website, but before I start packing and stopping the mail and all the other chores involved for a two week international trip I’d just like Tauck to say, “yes, we’re still going.” The vax card, the PCR test, the mask requirements…. I’m fine with all of that. But we live near the ocean in Florida and there’s a lot of “clearing the decks” preparation involved for a trip during the heart of hurricane season, as we just saw with Ida. I would just really love for Tauck to confirm the trip or put out a statement of some sort so we can make alternative plans if necessary. Thanks, everyone.

  • My Tour Director on this Hawaii trip told me that, as of now, if the countries that the tour is going to will allow the tour to operate, Tauck will operate the tour…unless the number of Tauck guests gets too small. I imagine that that “magic number” differs, depending on the tour.

  • No worries about numbers- that date is marked “sold out.”

  • milmil
    edited August 2021

    Exlandlubber Hi, I was told ,that so far... these new restrictions are basically a recommendation for countries in EU and directed only to the unvaccinated travelers , including now the US ones... but the travel industry at the moment has not been affected and tours are kept as schedule. Also, the EU committee cannot mandate anything without a general consent from all members of the EU group (counties ) .. so they would have to vote to approve the restrictions.... reason why to avoid this , the committee is passing the torch to each individual country to decide. Also, the reality is that their economies are so badly hurt.. that they are not going to loose the incoming revenue from tour operators. People want to travel if not to Europe than some where else.. but vaccinated people are desperate to live again.
    I have call all and every hotel I'll be staying on my tour and they have assure me that all the staff is fully vaccinated as well as all the local tour providers and a prove of vaccination + negative PCR test will be require, even if it is past the 72 hours from departing country- as long as any transit stop is no longer then 8 hours and flights are from point A to B and then to the hotel.
    I would not cancel anything... keep the plans as is, Tauck will follow up new events and will take proper action. I'm not worried.
    I'm also reading and asking questions to everyone I can think off. including tour operators and friends in the business.

  • I think all this uncertainty is affecting four operators including Tauck. Look how many people here on the forum are canceling last minute with Tauck. It seems really last minute. I wonder if this is a reflection of all Tauck travelers That puts a great deal of work on Tauck and possibly to the point that the tour will be canceled last minute and disappoint people who were totally happy to go.
    If the tour goes, then there is likely the bonus of the tour having just a small number of people. Think of those who paid in the region of $1000 dollars extra for a small group experience, finding that they could have picked a classic size tour with few people on it instead.
    My husband did not want the hassle of traveling with all the uncertainty of flight changing, change of key site seeing and testing this year. There is no changing his mind, I’ve tried, plus we made alternative travel plans.So at least we didn’t pledge our money with Tauck and then let them down last minute. Vaccinated and masked, we would have been happy to go. We have put all our faith in next year. But maybe that is too soon while a good percentage of this so called great nation refused to be vaccinated. One could say it’s survival of the fittest, I just feel so bad for all the doctors and nurses who are burning themselves out. If this is ever over, there is going to be a shortage of them, not toilet paper.
    Maybe this is worthy of a flag, let’s see

  • edited August 2021

    Not my flag British. But worthy of a flag. Your negativity I’m sure is costing Tauck clients and Tauck. We are now at the end of a really great cruise/tour. This is our third ‘cruise’ in eight weeks. This tour was sold out at one point, and we ended up with 28 guests. We comply with the protocols, but no one is wearing two masks and gloves. We are mostly unmasked outdoors and when partying indoors. We are all vaccinated, we are all tested. We are having a blast. You can wait for normal, but you may wait forever. The little people who have discovered that the people will let them have unjustified power will not give it up easily. Those who are afraid to travel are being over cautious. Our senior guest was born in 1932 and has done thirty-one Tauck tours. She’s a trouper. She has gone places I considered not going. Actually, I’ve gone places I might not have gone, except Sally went there … how could I not go.

  • SeaLord, I haven’t cancelled any of my tours, Tauck has cancelled them snd I have four tours booked next year. It’s the people who are canceling last minute that are a problem. Possibly you saying that there are times when no masks are worn are concerning them. Your reporting has been great for this tour. Have you rebooked K an T?

  • well, if people are cancelling because masks are not mandatory and they are concern.. .. it's their decision. you can still wear them if you want ...
    Now, who is keeping track of how many people are cancelling? Has Tauck published #'s... on the contrary of previous information.. my tour destination has sold out 2 new dates, and my tour Sept. 26th went from limited to sold out yesterday....
    also, people are not entirely cancelling , they are moving around to different destinations.. as they read how comfortable and safe are the ones now on tour.

  • In late June we postponed our trip for the Moselle Rhine River cruise.. that started yesterday. Not for fear of Covid or wearing masks or whatever protocol was required. We cancelled because flights and many direct flights were getting cancelled or turned into 3 stops. We have 100 % confidence traveling with Tauck and look forward to our next adventure. We both agreed that we did not want to stuck in air ports with no recourse . We were also concerned that being on a River Cruise that involved 4 countries might become a bit of a rather expensive nightmare rather than a fun adventure. That being said, so incredibly thankful we were able to go to Jordan and Egypt in 2020... coming back in March as everything was shutting down.

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