Forum Views Count
In case anyone wonders or even noticed, it appears there might be a glitch in the forum software that counts and tabulates "Replies" and "Views."
"Reply" counts seem to be working, but "Views" counts seem stuck at "1" for posts started on or after 15 August . I'm sure posts are still receiving the normal amount of views but the count is not being updated. I alerted Tauck IT.
Related to that, the notifications counter just to the left of PMs isn't working, not that it really serves a useful purpose.
One thing I've noticed in the past, if I posted a new discussion as soon as I did it the count (until now) was 2.
BKMD - I thought it was just mine regarding the notifications. I commented on a post and when I got out of it, it showed 1 new post, but that post was mine. Then if anyone else comments, there are no notifications showing. It's like I never commented on it.
Yes, I'd noticed that threads showed new after I had just posted something where in the past it would only show new if someone else did. Weird.
I'm suspect AlanS picked up his red flip phone, aka The Tauck Hotline, and informed them about the issue.
I've noticed another seems responses to my posts that include commentary about how clever, brilliant, insightful and/or profound my comments are aren't showing up! That needs to be corrected ASAP!
Looks like the new post flag at the top is working again.
Speaking of the word "flag", does anyone know why we see so many non-offensive posts/replies marked as flagged? I wonder if people misunderstand what that is for.
No they do not misunderstand. If you click on the flag, it asks you first if it is spam or if you want to report. If you report, you have to give a reason. You can’t click on the flag in error either. Someone here just loves to flag if she thinks something is not to her liking
Strange. For example, two people flagged the OP in this thread. What reason could someone possibly have?
rssherms - They are cowardly jerks, hiding behind the anonymity of the Flag feature.
The flagger has a particularly hate for Alan and I follow close behind. Watch, this will get flagged.
I've been out of town for the weekend. I'm glad to see that all of the Forum Gurus/Sleuths are on top of the critical Forum issues while I've been away. 😂
I, personally, and many of my posts are really "beloved" by select few.
Tauck IT reports that most of my Spam flags were done by just one or two people. One sick member actually admitted to doing so! If you want to see the true depth of their animosity towards me, clicking on my name will take you to my profile page where you can see my "reactions" counts- check out the number of "Spam" flags I have received (1.5K)- it exceeds my "Likes."
However, they are just a fraction of over 5000 discussions and comments I have posted. A person or persons also went back into the archives and flagged my old posts (which is easy to do, by the way). FYI, except for true spammers who occasionally still make it through Tauck's screening software, I rarely, if ever flag any posts.
Posts/topics that appear more inclined to be flagged- those (by anyone) about admin topics, i.e, forum functions, Tauck insurance, and posts that include the slightest criticism of Tauck, etc.. those with photos, humorous posts, and almost any posts by me- none of which violate Tauck forum guidelines. The cross I must bear!
We missed you, Sam. The weekend on the forum just wasn't the same without you. If you want some instruction on how to post from anywhere at any time, suggest you contact British.
AlanS - flags are the price you must pay for fame.
BKMD - I missed your wry sense of humor, but your little adder about British might have been a little rough.
British is the only Tauck swimsuit model that I'm aware of and as such, she has valuable insights into almost every Tauck tour through her years of travel experience. It's similar to the insights that AlanS has from his possession of 'the red flip phone' (aka Tauck Bat Phone Hotline).
FYI - I was having too much fun at my 50th High School Reunion (actually been 52 years because Covid messed up more than just travel and forced us to delay it two years), to worry about posting to the Tauck forum. I might have had a Tauck Forum withdrawal twitch or two, but I made it through.
Sam, I’ve just come back from the gym, working on the next swimsuit Tauck trip in less than three weeks, taking three swimsuits with me. Mr B planning on taking his speedos
Hope you had a good high school reunion, Sam. I've never been to one of mine.
Speaking of high school reunions, that reminds me of a joke:
So these two old friends from high school, who knew each other from the A/V squad, now executives at large companies, were catching up at their reunion. After some small talk, one says to the other, "You may find this hard to believe, but John, the captain of our high school football team, finally spoke to me."
The friend asked, "What did he say?"
He said, "Do you want fries with that?"