Watermark pictures
Hello everyone, it's Mil.
I just came back from B, Z and Cape Town., Amazing!
Any questions or needed info. please, mess.- me direct. I will not be giving any public info. or reports for now...
But, I would appreciate if anyone can kindly give me the name of an App or how to watermark my pictures, they came out way to good-NG good and I know there are some crows out there copying photos.... .
Thanks you all .
My regards.
How exactly do you want to watermark your pictures. You can put your name and copyright notice at the bottom of the picture, or you can put a number of very light images of your name across the picture. Another way is to put your information in the EXIF portion of the picture. In that case, no one will see it unless they look at the EXIF.
For smartphone pictures, the EXIF contains the coordinates where the picture was taken, which can give away your location.
It's very difficult to protect your pictures once you post them.
[Update: I'll also mention that there are programs that will remove watermarks so watermarking a picture will not absolutely protect it from re-use.]
Thanks MikeHenderson.
I really never had my pictures watermark, so I'm not really sure what it's best- I would like something (logo) across the pictures so it cannot be cropped- .
Yes, I know once you post it is really hard to scare out the imposters.. but at least it will make their lives a little more difficult.
Thanks for your help.
Mil - IMO if you don't want them copied then don't post them. Posting with a watermark pretty much destroys the viewing pleasure, so why bother.
Smiling Sam

Watermark well done will not destroy the image, it will be a distraction but you can still see through if it is a light watermark , I just not willing to have someone make money out of my pictures.
I believe photoshop or photoshop elements. can watermark a picture. I don’t know how to do it; never had a reason. Have you googled “how to watermark a pic”?
Smiling Sam, Here is actually an option I just read about... from Mastin Labs
*Get an app that looks for unauthorized use of your images.
There are some great watermark alternatives available:
Google Image Search (free)
TinEye.com (free & paid options)
ImageRaider (free & paid options)
Digimarc (paid)
Each of these services will search the internet for unauthorized use of your image. Should you search to see if someone is using every image you post? That would take forever, and probably wouldn’t be worth your time. But for your very best photos or photos that are newsworthy, these services are a great way to track down misuse and pursue legal action if necessary.
Mil - Even if you find unauthorized use, what are you going to do? Countries like China, that don't respect intellectual property rights, won't care.
And yes, you can apply a watermark with Photoshop.
Thanks, I will look into it.
The other thing I can do, which I have already.. it's to share with the ones from the forum I feel comfortable with.in a private message.
Sorry, if I sounds selfish, but I just had a very unfortunate experience with someone from the forum ( also in my trip) who pretended to be a friend and ended up being dishonest and a instigator. So, my trust in others has been shatter.
Thanks for your help.

Thanks, I will follow up and see if it's even worth it; and yes! there isn't any 100% effective solution...
Mil, try contacting the guy called Quirky eye on the forum. He is a expert photographer and very kind. He offered to send me a beautiful print copy in the mail of a photograph he posted that I said I liked. It was of some Zebra. I accepted and he sent me a lovely print within days and I have it framed and hanging. Try searching Quirkeyeye here, I’ll have ago, then send him a pm. I don’t think he partakes in the forum too much, but he did post recently. His photos always have his name on them and he has a website.
Here is his Tauck forum name. Images_Quirky_Eye
Hi Mil: So glad you arrived home, safe and sound. I was just wondering about you the other day as you typically post great comments about your trips. I agree with other comments about protecting your images on line. There doesn't seem to be a safe alternative. I use Lightroom to process my images and utilize their watermark application within Lightroom Classic. I have a good friend that is a professional photographer and she has had many images stolen, it is very frustrating and unethical, but this is the world we live in. Very sad.
travel maven hi.
Sad indeed... imposters pretending to own someone else work.. I will post eventually my comments and I'm willing to answer anyone's
questions.. in private mess. for sure, anytime.-
Thanks for your kind wishes and for remembering me...
P.S: the trip was incredible, itinerary is great, the camps are very nice and the camp staff the greatest- kids at Kalahari Camp are my new South African Family. We saw good number of every animal in the big 5. and plus, weather was nice, not too hot, food was delicious and all the activities also great. The Heli pilot very cute and flirty, adorable I got great selfies...:)

I can only recall 2 couples out of the group (12 total) , worth mentioning, very kind-friendly and educated. .
other then that... I plead the 5TH
OK, Mil. I will fly cover for you. These were taken on the same trip one week in front of you. The thieves can steal these if they like and perhaps leave yours alone. WARNING one shot is not for the sensitive.

Dear cathyandsteve
Cathy dear.. you don't know , how much I've thought about you & British too , I will do my report but I need to feel better...working on it
I did get amazing pics, lens was huge 150-600 Tamron- but easy to handle , no back problems or sore elbows, very happy of my final product.
The tour is incredible, I missed Mancini (TD) by one departure... he is so kind, funny and Happy, we crossed flights 2 times..:)
I tell you , just got back Friday and I'm so ready for Africa again....for sure 2024.- but with Wild Eye- Mana Pools & South Hwange.- elephant heaven.
Cathy I will send you some pics- private message and as I do my report I will publish some. I do enjoy doing the reports and sharing with others.

Take care & say Hi to your other half.
rwilso15 Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see your photos very similar to mine.. , excellent compositions and sharp subjects.
If you where with Mancini (TD) I saw you guys leaving the Kalahari - Makgadikgadi Pans. Well, I'm getting the bug, I think my report will be done soon.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I saw the same pregnant Meerkat
Have a lovely day.
rwilso15 Fantastic photos. Thanks for sharing!
Mil, we weren't with Mancini, but were privileged to have Rikus Visser as our TD. A wonderful asset to the TaucK Brand and our best TD over many Tauck trips.
British, Yes I know Quirky eye, he is amazing- remember his pics- beautiful. Thanks for the Tip.
Cathyandsteve made a good observation - reduce the resolution of the picture to something like 800 by 600 and it will be difficult to re-use. You certainly would not want a large print from a picture at that resolution.
I haven't worried about someone taking my pictures. I'd like it if they gave me credit for the picture but I'm not going to chase anyone who doesn't.
I did some professional photography (mostly weddings) years ago and a photographer friend made a comment about not getting photo credit on a published picture. He said, "Sometimes you have to be satisfied with the money."
Love your pictures, Wilson. What kind of camera/lens. I take it you and mil were happy with September travel? We’re looking at 2024.
rwilso15 Hi
I haven't heard or meet Rikus Visser, but I'm happy you had a great one.
It makes a difference when the TD is professional with great management skills.
) He is AMAZING!
Yes! Chris would have been the cherry on top of the Cosmo...
So who was your TD Mil?
I would not call him my TD, instead the group TD - but anyways, I sent you the name by private.
cathyandsteve I think Steve is very wise... By only worrying about how happy he is with his work. . He enjoys it & being proud of it is candy to his soul.. "That's really all that matters and if someone is pitiful enough to right click save his photos on this forum and then repost them as their own...the problem is theirs not his" . BRAVO!
As I always say... we are not a gold coins .to be liked or loved by everyone........
I also love taking pictures of our trips, and looking back on occasion at those fond memories from decades ago up to a year ago. What I learned is that the pictures that we take are stored on our computers until the end of time, and get seldom looked at again, as that once in a lifetime trip becomes a distant memory. I commented once to a guest on one of our trips that was taking a picture I swear every 30 seconds and asked what he does with all his photos. He literally said that he doesn't do anything with them. There are only so many walls in a house that I can frame and display a spectacular picture and I have done that. I do have all my pictures catalogued my way on my computer so I know where everything is. I have even had some of my photo albums scanned professionally just so my pictures of trips and family are digital before digital was a thing. I also make coffee table photobooks and the same photos are on a slideshow on my computer. That, in itself, is a labor of love and very time consuming. I always enjoy looking at those books and slideshows. I have learned that when friends show me snapshots of their trips, I am honestly not that thrilled to sit an hour or more as they go through sharing their photos and explaining every detail. The photos we are take are only special only to us. I understand what you are saying about copying or stealing a picture. It definitely isn't right but take it as a compliment.
I have only had one bad TD- Mr. Pappas.( India) . now retired.. sadly, this is a new young fellow that is super knowledgeable & with a great future.. so it is sad to see the path he decided to take.
I could report him, but I think he was played & manipulated, let Karma take it's course...
I want out of the picture. Plus, I really don't have the energy, it got all drained out of me.
Dottie D, Thank you for your encouragement. September was a great time to travel to B, Z & SA. We never saw a cloud the entire two weeks we were away. I would say the only thing that caught us by surprise was the extreme dryness. We currently live in Florida which is humid as you know, but the dryness in Botswana caused minor nose bleeding and cracked lips. A small discomfort for a mind altering trip.
As far as the photography is concerned, I took two bodies (Nikon D850 and Nikon Z9) and three lenses (Nikon 24-70mm F2.8G, Nikon 70-200mm F2.8G and Nikon 200-500mm F5.6) That range covered every eventuality i came across while there. I did not swap lenses while out on the trucks just to avoid the risk of dust contamination. I took 9061 shots with those rigs ( so bring plenty or big cards) and another 1000 or so on my iphone.
No more talks about these people, not worth our attention...
Let's plan another trip! and start the homework and planning begin
Inshalah. Habibi