K & T July 15, 2023

So excited for our trip of a lifetime! Just a few questions... probably overthinking but here goes.
Are dark olive or brown colors fly attractors? Should footwear also be light colored?
Do the new Tauck duffels meet the hand baggage requirements on KLM?

Thanks to all who take the time to post here. There is a wealth of info and pics are amazing!


  • mschesch - I wore gray and light olive with no problems, sis not wear any dark colors.

  • edited February 2023

    Those colors are fine, I wear those colors on safari. Black and dark blue are the ones to avoid. There are often no tsetse flies, but if they are around and you wear black of blue, you will be a target and their sting really hursts, I was stung right through a sock with a black band around them once. And tsetse flies can carry Sleeping sickness

  • To clarify, are dark olive pants ok for the KT safari? We don't want to attract those flies!

  • Yes, they will be fine. You’ll be surprised what people will be wearing.

  • Gtc - You can get a feel for what people wore on our K&T tour by looking at the group photo.

  • Thank you so much! The picture really helps,

  • Everyone looked comfortable and nicely attired!

  • Great photo Sam! Sad that Tauck no longer is using that hotel for the tour start, it had great charm.
    Yes, there are plenty of people who don’t adhere to ‘suggested guidelines and that is fine. I have a question, as that was obviously at the start of the tour, did any of those who wore sleeveless clothes or white clothes change to other things as the tour progressed. Did the sleeveless people smother themselves in stinky Deet or get bites? Did they realize how cold it gets at sundown?
    I do know someone who was on a tour somewhere in Southern Africa and the tour director asked someone to change out of a red T shirt. It wasn’t on a Tauck tour and I do know most animals are colorblind but insects are not.
    I love to go to Africa because the packing is so easy and no need for any expensive dressy outfits in East Africa. The only reason not to use the Tauck duffel as carry on is that it has no wheels and even something like thirty pounds can be a pain to slep through the airport going and coming back.

  • edited February 2023

    Speaking of "red T shirts." Check out what our TD on the right, the legendary Seth, is wearing! :D

    He is a bit younger(?) and slimmer(?) in the blue shirt, front row center, bottom in Sam's photo.

  • I don't recall anyone discussing getting bitten and none of the people that we shared a safari vehicle with smothered themselves with stinky bug repellant.

    The picture reflected the clothing in a general sense. People adapted and wore different clothing throughout the tour. I believe the person with the sleeveless red top was new to Tauck and touring. That was not their everyday apparel.

    I don't recall it getting very cold at sundown (we went in August). I recall sitting outside at the Amboselli Serena and watching a parade of animals just outside the hotel grounds at sunset and now being cold at all.

  • We're first time Tauck travelers on the Classic Safari Tanzania and Kenya departing October 9. Question of clarification regarding wearing black. Are black shoes ok? All my walking/athletic shoes are black. Also, both my fleece and puffy vest for cool evenings and mornings are black. Is that a problem for those times of day?

  • It is black and certain other colors of fabric that is thin enough for the Tsetse flies to bite through that is the problem.

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