Namibia anyone?
Not sure what happen to my previous post...
Basically, I'm trying to push the Namibia Safari tour, which I have heard Tauck is considering....
I have friends and family members that have been there and they say it's amazing!
Some images from Etosha National park
Acommodations like:
Kulala Wilderness Reserve, Namibia
So, if you are interested just sign your name , we might get enough momentum..and this could be the next new Safari for 2024...
I'm in, Mil.
I would love to visit Namibia.
Noreen, Hi
Hope you're doing well. I'm just letting you know TAUCK, added Namibia to their Sout Africa Tours. It will start next 2024.
I already booked.
Have a great weekend.
Very intriguing, but we are booked through 2024. If our health holds up, perhaps the following year.
Mil - Thank you so much for letting me know about Namibia as we would love to go there. I just checked and 2025 is not available to book right now but hopefully it will in the future. 2024 would not work as we have four trips booked. Again, thank you!
I have a reservation on hold for 10/1/2024 along with 2 friends and maybe another couple will join us. I had to urgently abort a solo guided trip in 2/2020 due to a dire family emergency, and then of course Covid hit. I am a solo traveler but hope to go with 2 couples who are former work colleagues.
Jill Boyle great! I'm going solo- It's my therapy.-
Check out on YouTube all the videos of Namibia. - Etosha is the National Park, where all the animals are in Big #'s. amazing destination , great photographic tour.
Have a great weekend.
If you look at the map of Namibia, it has an arm that reaches out towards Victoria Falls (close, but doesn't get all the way to Victoria Falls). I'll be heading to Victoria Falls soon and will have brief contact with Namibia. I'll be able to say that I've been to Namibia
@MikeHenderson ….I think Botswana borders part of Namibia as well. When we were there a few years back we stopped at a river and the guide said the other side was Namibia. So close, yet so far!!
Yes, Botswana is across the Chobe River from the east part of that arm of Namibia.
But all of the west side of Botswana borders Namibia.
Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia all almost meet in the middle of the Zambezi River at the new Kazangula bridge. The Chobe River which meets the Zambezi at that point forums the border between Botswana and Namibia for most of its length.
As far as scenery goes, Namibia is my favorites African country.
Mil - I've decided to go to Namibia in 2024. I found back-to-back trips that would work for us. One is South Africa that begins in Cape Town on 14 June to June 25. Then we would fly to Namibia and begin this trip on June 25. This way I would save money on insurance and business class air. It will be a very busy travel year but we are not getting younger and time is not on our side.
Noreen Congrats! that sounds great and I'm glad you decided to go.. Like British mentioned it looks like the scenery it's Amazing.
I'm trying to find out if Tauck it's going to surprise us with an air Ballon ride. "Namib Sky Balloon Safaris" super popular. if they don't, I will do it on my own, it looks incredible.
Also, the Heli. ride to the Sandwich Harbour, it's another most.
You Tube has great videos on Namibia.
Have a lovely day.
I can not wait to read reviews on this one. We want to go on a Tauck African Safari, but, at this point, can only afford ONE trip - so we are trying to decide which one out of all of them to do. I'd love to take my brother also, so we will be paying for 3 of us (my brother has never traveled due to a mild handicap and this has always been on his bucket list.)
Has anyone looked at the flights to get to and from Windhoek Airport in Namibia? Most of the flights I saw change in Frankfurt , which may mean the diabolical Luftansa ( no live bodies to speak with in the USA. Only "Flight Assist ". ) I see that Ethiopian Airlines goes there as well ( 2 stops to get back to the USA, with one stop on the way over ( at least from Washington DC) . Thanks.
Terrilynn, I would recommend Kenya/Tanzania for the very first time to Africa.
When we went we used British airways to Jo’burg and the tour started there, the company flew us to Windhoek. I’m not sure what flights there are these days. It’s quite a small city, the entire country is the least populated for area, except Antarctica, so your choices are not big.
MotherOfPoodles, Hi!
I have checked some routes on different airlines, here are the top 3 for me.
Qatar: SEA-Doha-JNB/CPT-Windhoek Aug 2023&departing=2023-08-26&returningHidden=01 Sep 2023&returning=2023-09-01&adults=1&children=0&infants=0&teenager=0&ofw=0&promoCode=
Emirates: SEA-Dubai- JNB-Windhoek
So, to answer your question, you have the choice to go through Cape Town or Johannesburg. Flight from JNB to WDW it's about 2 hours
I would prefer JNB and Qatar has a flight with 2-3 hours layovers at ea. place.
I did book the 10/1//24 trip with 2 friends. They are naturalized citizens from Zimbabwe, etc and are great to travel with to the continent.
First timers to Africa are probably best doing what I call the Big 3-Cape Town, Vic Falls and a safari inside Kruger if possible. I have flown Qatar, Emirates, Lufthansa and BA to/from Africa. Qatar only does 3 nonstops/week from Doha into Windhoek as of now. Our little group will use frequent flier miles for sure. We hope to avoid a connection in Jburg on our way there due to bag pilfering/theft and a canvas duffle is easier for handlers to get into. Another option is to fly into Cape Town from the US and then connect to Windhoek. United has a nonstop from Newark to Cape Town almost daily I believe.
Jill, Hi.
I have looked several flights from Doha, and I haven't seen the one direct into Windhoek, most of them go through Cape or JNB.
But, unless the $$ difference is a significant one, I will stick with Emirates and fly the famous A380. also, the layovers are short in JNB.
But I will keep an eye on Qatar.
Thanks for the info.
We are booked for the June 25 trip next year and excited!
I mentioned earlier that I was going to set foot in Namibia and today, I did. Here's the passport office - out in the middle of no-where. There was one person working the office and the window you see in the picture was where you went to get your passport stamped.

And here I am pointing to the passport office sign.

I'm on the Chobe River so I probably won't set foot in Namibia again on this trip.
New movie out--Measures of Men--the film tells the story of the Herero and Namaqua genocide which was perpetrated in German South West Africa (now Namibia) between 1904 and 1908. Might be good background for anyone interested in traveling to Namibia. I haven't seen it yet.
Was also on the Chobe River last week and crossed into Namibian waters but did not get out on land. Interesting area. It has certainly increased my interest in traveling to Namibia but I'm all booked up for this year and next so will need to figure out when I can go--maybe 25.
When we went to Namibia, the genocide museum was part of the tour, why do I think it should be part of the tour, because that is where the very first concentration camps were and where Hitler got his ideas from.