Cuisine in Vietnam Cambodia Thailand
We are thinking about taking this trip in 2025. However, my one concern is the food. The recent posted photos have me concerned. Do the dinners include a choice for less adventurous diners?
We are thinking about taking this trip in 2025. However, my one concern is the food. The recent posted photos have me concerned. Do the dinners include a choice for less adventurous diners?
I just returned from this trip. Not sure what you mean by adventurous or to which photos you refer. There were no meals that included dog or scorpions
There are plenty of options, fish, meat and veggie. While I'm a fan of Asian food, at the Four Seasons Chang Mai, they have a western/Italian restaurant called North. One night, I had pizza there, and it was excellent (better than the pizza we have here in Colorado), just for a change of pace. And for the non-included meals, there are plenty of McDonalds and Burger Kings around, if you consider those non-adventurous. 
Are you confusing the photos I posted of my Japanese vacation!
I don’t recall any unusual food on the Vietnam Cambodia Laos trip I took with Tauck
The Japanese food was wonderful by the way and so healthy
There was no unusual food unless you sought it out. Most of the meals are in high end hotels or nice restaurants. The TD is very helpful with the menus. We had no issues with the food. I actually did all vegetarian food / seafood allergy food and had no problems at all. I was accommodated everywhere automatically ( without making a nuisance of myself) .
loves2travel2 I'm taking this tour December 2025
Another food note on this trip. I tried a couple of local fruits - a mangosteen (unrelated to mango, despite the similar name) and a rambutan (a red, hairy golf-ball sized thing) and I thought both were very good. You should find them on some of the breakfast buffets. And don't worry about the ugly external appearance. The edible part is inside.
Best mango ever on this trip.
Vietnamese food is very good. It might be different from what you're accustomed to but good food is universal.
[Well, maybe I should say that Vietnamese food CAN be very good. Like all food, it depends on the chef.]
Rambutans are readily availability in the US, They even have them at Costco at times, I’m not sure about the other fruit. Did you try the Durian fruit?
I did this tour, did not have any problem with the food- It was delicious and also remember you're going to deluxe 5-star hotels, they cater international food as well.
British - I'm familiar with Durians from my regular visits to Chinatown in NYC when I lived in PA. I've never tried it. They smell foul.
Durian is very good...I had my first taste in Singapore. The smell does leave a lot to be desired
The food was very good across the board if you like south Asian cuisine and are prepared to try something that may not look like what you get at home' If you are expecting KFC, you may be disappointed. We were offered the chance to sample the "protein" that the Cambodian people had to cultivate during the Pol Pot regime in the late 70s. I was game to try it - deep fried TARANTULA!
I had no problem with the food there at all and I am not a real fan of fish or uncooked things. I am a little concerned with our upcoming Japan trip, though.
What rwilso15 failed to write is he had a full head of black hair before eating the tarantula
From what I have read on the forum Debi, the Japan trip has mainly western food, I suspect because more people than not who travel with Tauck are not food adventurous. There are enough people on the forum who have taken the trip, can anyone reassure her? One of the reasons we did not take the Tauck tour because we wanted a more authenticity experience because we had been there before.
On our Tauck Vietnam trip, it was mainly the men who ate the Tarantula. Of course it tastes like chicken. 😀
BKMD - LOL! Correct! but it was 30 years earlier!
The Vietnamese food was delicious! But you also have plenty of choices if that's not your thing.
The food in the V/C/T tour was delicious and there are always other choices.
The food in Japan was great, there are choices of Japanese food or international food. I loves the Japanese food.