Is it a dry heat?

Years ago I designed my own little homescreen for my laptop. On the left side I have info about our upcoming trip(s)- the days until we go and weather at selected points on the tour (clicking the temp brings up full daily and forecast weather info)

This screenshot was take at 6:02 pm Egypt time, temps are in F°!!!

More of the left side of screen showing quick links:


  • "But it's a dry heat" is one of our favorite snarky lines out here in the southwest.

    Mostly it's valid if you have shade and water, but oh boy when it isn't. I remember a summer camping trip years ago and a short stop near Lake Powell. Honestly felt like the moist was being sucked from my body. Couldn't get back in the car fast enough.

  • Surprisingly, it was fairly humid at Petra when I was there..

  • Alan - We have some dry heat this afternoon. Temp ties the record for the day.

  • BKMD - Wah, wah, wah. :D

    In Tucson, we haven't been as low as 90 F at 3:42PM in weeks. Most of those days have been over 100. It's all relative.

    It is a dry heat!!!

    AlanS - You can come to Tucson (or Phoenix - it is typically 5 degrees warmer). It's a good training ground for Egypt's weather. :D

  • One of these days I need to visit my sister and brother-in-law. They moved from the Pacific NW where summer comes on the 4th of July, but is gone by the 5th, and they rust instead of tan, to Tucson (Saddlebrooke)

  • One of my kids lives in SF. Mark Twain is reputed (but there's no proof) to have said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was my summer in San Francisco." Then there was the line I heard while in med school in Syracuse - there are two seasons - winter and July 4th.

    Sam - I could not tolerate your climate. Where I live is almost perfect for my interests, which is why I moved here. It would be perfect if it were 10 degrees cooler in the summer. I could easily accomplish that by moving 15 miles west (which is 2000+ ft higher in elevation), but then there would be a lot more snow in the winter, so I make due.

  • AlanS - Your sister has mirrored my migration. I was born and lived in Seattle area until 1999. Been in Tucson since. Saddle Brooke is a nice retirement/golf community north of Tucson. It’s just a bit far away from the city amenities for me. If you’re a golfer you definitely need to visit your sister. If you aren’t you still need to visit. I suggest February through the end of April. There can still be cold weather then, but in general it will be ideal for almost anything you want to do. If you ever do visit, let me know, I’d love to meet you and talk Tauck. I’d treat you to a dinner!

    BKMD - I understand where you’re coming from, but since I am a golfer and not a skier the Denver winters wouldn’t work for me. My old bones enjoy the heat. In the Summer you do everything very early and then retreat to the air conditioning. I do miss the mountains, water, and the green of Seattle, but as AlanS said the summer is short. Not as short as he says, more like July 4th to mid-September. Of course if Seattle had that weather for a longer duration it would have the population of Los Angeles.

  • I remember one 4th, I was stationed at NAS Whidbey Island- there was a cloudless deep blue sky. Snow-capped Mt Rainier was off in the distance and clear as a bell. Neighborhood kids were playing in the cul-de-sac wearing short sleeve shirts, shorts, and bare feet. Being summer, we had to wait forever for the sun to go down and get dark enough for fireworks. As the sun started to set, the temp dropped like a rock. Everyone dashed home to put on shoes, socks, long pants, sweatshirts and/or jackets- brrrrr.

  • Seattle area weather for the next week. :(

    View from our neighborhood. :)

    Our Travel for the rest of the year. :'(

  • Beautiful Mt. Rainier ! Love it.
    I can see it from my off. it looks amazing today 06/25/20

  • Not the greatest picture, but just over a year ago I captured this picture of Mt. Rainier on my cell phone taken from what used to be Sand Point Naval Air Station and is now just a park. It still shows how Mt. Rainier looms over the NW.

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