Oct 2020 trip cancelled
Got an email today from my TA, cancelling my Japan trip scheduled Oct 20, 2020. I plan to rebook in 2022. This is my third cancelled trip this year and I'm tired of fighting airlines for refunds. My next trip is now scheduled in Nov 2021 (Egypt) and hopefully the world will be back to normal by then. IMO, Spring 2021 is unlikely to be back to normal.
Tauck called me yesterday to cancel my Spain and Portugal trip for October 2. Being somewhat compromised healthwise, I cancelled out right. I may fly to Europe again someday if I can do it safely without a mask.
I'm anxiously awaiting the call/email for December 2020.
Alas, after our 4th (rebooked 3 times) attempt in summer 2020 to do the French Escapade River cruise...our hopes were dashed with call from our TA yesterday. First, Tauck Oberammergau trip (here’s to 2022), now France. Losing a year of international travel for us is hard...we’re not certain how many adventures we have left at our age! Kudos to Tauck for trying to the end...and moving deposits, insurance funds etc easily to our August 2021 booked trip. So grateful that we caught on to using Tauck air and not having to deal with airlines this summer. In a world with greater problems than my inability to travel this year...I’m still allowed to be sad.
The feeling is mutual. ☹️
Still waiting to hear from Tauck for our October 8th Egypt: Jewel of the Nile Tour. Our final payment is due in 10 days. Hope to hear soon.
Still waiting for an October 4th Classic Italy tour. Final payment due in six days. Expect a call today or Monday.
Italy has to be cancelled, we are banned from Europe.
Italy has renewed its travel restrictions in its latest emergency decree, which came into force on August 10th.
Under the new law, a ban on tourism from the United States and most other countries will remain in place until at least September 7th.
Meanwhile the EU continues to revise its list of "safe" countries which it recommends members allow travellers to enter from – but the US is still not on it.
So what does this mean for Americans?
At the moment, "non-essential" travel to Italy from the US is still forbidden.
Non-essential travel to Italy also remains banned from India, Russia and most other countries in the world
British - I assume
also includes transit through Italy. This is what happened to me. My American flights to/from Cairo for my Egypt tour stopped in Rome each way. American cancelled those legs of my reservation.
Of course, I realize that the Italy trip will be cancelled. American Airlines flights were cancelled months ago, and, as British notes, travel from the US to Italy is banned. The only issue is whether and when to rebook the trip or get most of my money back as a credit. Also need to cancel a tour (Scavi) prior to the Tauck tour.
I was just informed that the Indo-China tour will be “rested” for 2021.... I was booked for Jan 2021.
I am saddened but not surprised!
Rebooked for Apr 2022. Hopefully that's enough buffer so it won't be cancelled for a third time
Indo China is a great tournament
Looks like you got bit by the autocomplete bug, British.
Yes, gets me every time.
What, here I thought British was referring to the India - China soccer tournament.
Or was that cricket?
I went to a cricket match in Abu Dhabi The India Premier League was playing there during one of my visits to my son. Took me a while to figure out that one team was at bat during the whole first half, and the other team during the second half! And the cheerleaders for the teams were dressed from head to toe, with long sleeves. An interesting part of the evening was when my son and I emerged from the staircase onto a concourse, several men were on prayer rugs for evening prayer. It's experiences like that that make me love traveling.
Just cancelled my flights (via telephone). Was booked with AA miles, credited back for use without restriction. easiest cancellation I've done so far. Delta next. Then UA.