Jordan & Egypt Info

To get away from the discussions about weather (it has been raining here all day- almost 2" so far), COVID, cancelled trips, etc., etc. I thought I would celebrate a new milestone- we have 365 days until our first of three post-COVID Tauck tours- a third try at Jordan & Egypt: Petra to the Pyramids- by spending a little time going through and updating (for the third time) my personal day-by-day, illustrated trip brochure; expenses and flight spreadsheet; trip info (from other Taucktourians), and the itinerary for my family, etc., etc.

While doing that, I realized others who are booked or planning to take this trip or the Jewels of the Nile trip in the future might be interested in the info I compiled from forum posts and emails. I compiled posts that were of special interest to me and responses to my questions from fellow Taucktourians who were lucky enough to complete the few tours that went prior to the COVID shutdown in early 2020, so they may not answer your particular questions and trip details may change. In any case, it might save you time searching and reading the forum archives. I don't know if any of those who were the source of posts still frequent forums.

I copied and pasted only what I considered significant into an MSWord document. It may be viewable in other software. I highlighted, underlined, and bolded portions of it. With the advent of the new forum software we gained a message feature that includes the ability to attach documents. So, if anyone wants to see my Jordan & Egypt info, send me a message and I'll attach the info to my reply. (While it is also possible to attach a document to a forum post, I would rather not do that.). I don't want to see any comments about being OCD, either! :D


  • We are scheduled for this trip in October. Should I send you my e-mail?

  • Alan, I'd be interested in getting it from ocd to another. Mr Sails initial response was " I've been to Jordan" but then thought the itinerary actually looked interesting.

  • Alan - sent you a PM. I remember responding to you during your planning phases re the Petra hikes. Lots of effort that will hopefully come to fruition.

  • alidor30
    We are scheduled for this trip in October. Should I send you my e-mail?

    No, just send me a forum msg. Click on little envelope at upper right then click "new message". Or click on my name and select "Message" just to the left of my avatar.

  • No, just send me a forum msg. Click on little envelope at upper right then click "new message".
    Or click on my name and select "Message" just to the left of my avatar.

    Or send a registered letter, with a 'CC' to Dan Mahar. :D

    Just kidding, but Alan and Dan are pen pals. Thanks why Alan gets the first cancellation call for any tour he's signed up for that gets cancelled. :D

  • And that’s why I get the second call because I’m their official swimsuit model

  • British - Yes, but can you make a man's hands shake by just being in their presence like Claudia Sails can? As such, I designate Claudia as third in line to get the call.

  • 🤣🤣🤣❤️

  • Pharoah Alan has done an outstanding job of keeping all the Taucktorians, especially those going on the Egypt trips (or at least have them booked), current on all the info (good and bad)! Bravo Zulu Alan !!

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