Lengthy workshop to discuss strategy of operating services at Grand Egyptian Museum held on Aug. 17
Nothing concrete, but they gotta be getting closer to opening the GEM! By the end of the year as promised? All the biggies were there!
Nothing concrete, but they gotta be getting closer to opening the GEM! By the end of the year as promised? All the biggies were there!
You weren't invited?
BKMD - AlanS is waiting for the Grand Opening. He will be flying over with Joe B and Dan M, a couple of his best buddies to attend.
Nope, Daniel Jackson and I are going via the Star Gate.
Curious. Is the workshop 12, 18, or 24 months long ?
Alan - If one of the admins at the GEM had a sense of humor, they'd have a Stargate on display in the museum.
AlanSAll the big-wigs needed to be in attendance to discuss that long list of items they want to achieve. I'm concerned they are just now discussing the types of promotional programs and developing a website. I'm hopeful but I think it's highly unlikely the GEM will open in 2021. My fingers are crossed.
One bit of possible good news, though no one has said when it will happen, I finally found out that now the boat has been removed, they plan to demolish and remove the old solar boat museum that is located on the south side of Kufu's pyramid.
I’m surprised that the moron flagger has friend willing to follow his/her/they/them in the flagging. Perhaps evil twins who escaped from the institute for stupid humans (IFSH).
He/She is a hatter..... ignore it! probably a non vaccinated moron trying to boycott the happy travelers..
Now.... I want my Flags!
I think the meeting was just a photo op for publicity, and similar to a recent press release I read that was basically a cabinet minister (Al Anany, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities) sucking up to President Assisi, to ensure he keeps his job.
The real work is being done by underlings behind the scenes. They have been working on all that stuff. The GEM has a website, but it is not up to date and not well populated with info and photos. As far as publicity, they have been working on that as well- if you remember the recent Grand Procession of Pharaohs when they transported the royal mummies to the new National Museum of Egyptian Culture (NMEC) and the more recent 'voyage' of the solar boat from the building by Kufu's pyramid to the GEM. This stuff is being regularly fed to the international media. Unfortunately, many of these and other recent events, like discovery of 100 or so mummies/sarcophagi at Saqqara, the discovery of the so called "Golden City" on the west bank of the Nile in Thebes, and the traveling exhibits- one of which I believe contained Tut's golden funeral mask and which has visited selected cities in the US and Europe (none near me!
) have, like so so many things these days, rapidly become yesterday's news, and are quickly forgotten. That is especially true in the US because of COVID and politics.