Packing for Morocco
We are new to Tauck Tours and headed to Morocco in a few weeks. Can anyone give feedback on the dress code for this type of trip? Is a jacket necessary for my husband? Do people dress casually during the day and then change for dinner? Any feedback is appreciated.
Welcome to Tauck
Clothing depends on the country you are visiting. Check the average temperatures at the destination for the time of year you are going, most people recommend Weatjerspark. Then check the week before how it has been incase the pattern is unusual.
Morocco is a Muslim country, so you should dress conservatively and modestly. Use the layering method. Shoes are the most important, comfortable broken in walking shoes. If you are going places where you might have to take shoes off, temples, churches whatever, they should be easy to remove. I always steer away from flip flops, if I wear a sandal during the day, it is close toed. Clothing for the day is casual and comfortable. Keep to a range of colors that can be interchangeable within outfits. My last tour, not only did Mr B, spill food on two of his shirts/sweaters, not unusual, I did once too. We could put something else on that matched our pants
Very few men wear sports coats at night. My husband has never taken one. He takes nice pants and shits. Sometimes there is no time to change before dinner.after a busy day. On some tours, I have gotten into the habit of wearing a day outfit which could easily go into the evening. It has happened that we arrive at a new hotel not long before dinner and you end up waiting for your suitcase to appear with the clothing you were intending to wear. If I think there is a chance of that happening, I put the clothes I want to wear in my carry on bag in the bus so I have access to it immediately. I take either a little costume jewelry or none at all. Don’t want to draw attention to myself during the day as a target for theft.
British -- better re-read and edit your post for typos. I feel sorry for those nice pants. To say I laughed out loud would be an understatement!
ROTFL. Please don't correct or no one else will get the joke. Though it's "weatherspark".
I have noticed lately that British's posts have more typos then I'm used to seeing. My Fire tablet has a very annoying autocorrect that produces some weird results even though I try to re-read and make corrections.
Quantity, not quality
Whoops, I changed it. I do try to correct but as some of my posts are in my insomnia times, I often still miss. iPads are just too clever at guessing what you want to say.
Still not corrected!

thanks for the helpful tips... sorry about your husband's pants
No no no Alan. Leave it alone. Best laugh I've had all week.
Morocco is very safe, the Medinas are a little difficult because they are mostly built like a maze, you will have a bodyguard with the group in both Fez/Fes Medina & Marrakech's Medina but in general the country it's very safe...
I 've gone a couple of times ,1 on my own.. and had no problems.
Do dress conservatively, no need to cover your hair, just dress like at home ( unless you live in Florida.
good walking shoes are a most, Capris are a great choice for daytime, shorts not, shirts with sleeves for the ladies is recommended but not mandatory. Morocco is mainly Muslin but it has a widely mix of all religions and people are used to tourist so they don't harass them
because of how they are dressed, the local guys might look at you a little more... and some local ladies will envy your dress code but you won't end up in jail for showing your ankles
At the hotels is more a cocktail dress code situation.. it's really at the welcome and farewell dinners where people like to dress up a little more. at the Marrakech Four Seasons it is nice to dress up at night, same in Casablanca.
Enjoy this great tour , the country is incredible and the people lovely. The Spa at the FS in Marrakech is AMAZING!
We just did the Morocco tour in November; frankly, I overpacked. It was chilly in the am, so I ended up wearing the same thick cardigan nearly every day. As it warmed up, we'd strip off layers, sometimes ending up in T shirts. I mostly wore capri pants and sneakers. Some guests brought polartec or thin quilted vests - I wish I had thought of that!
For the evenings, I brought way too many nice outfits- some days, we went pretty quickly to dinner - there was no need or time to change (or maybe just a change of footwear and a quick brush of the hair).I guess after being so cooped up with Covid restrictions, I just WANTED a reason to dress up. But that meant extra shoes, which wasted space in my suitcase. With regard to shoes...unless you are eating in the hotel and walking very little, do not even consider bringing heels. The best dressy shoes I brought (and I have these in 4 colors!) were a pair of black patent leather peep toe wedges. There are a lot of uneven surfaces in Morocco! My husband brought and wore one sports jacket - it wasn't necessary, but he's a bit of a fashionista, and well...
Of course, I assume it will be warmer when you go - you might need even less outerwear. It was too cool to go to the pool, but I did use my swimsuit at the spa in Marrakesh. Enjoy!
SGF, yes you've learned a lesson it took me a few trips to learn. Don't worry so much about dressy clothes, do worry about being able to adjust to the weather.
This is so very helpful!! I am a habitual over-packer, hoping to do better on this trip...
thanks for the help.
The day I return from a tour and don't regret taking or not taking anything I'll feel I've finally won the battle. Getting closer each time.
Will be on March 16 tour. I understand that there is a tour ongoing now. Would love to hear comments/suggestions