Legends 2022
My wife and I just completed the Legends tour and had a great time. As usual, I took a number of shots and will post them on my website imagesfromthequirkyeye.com in a few weeks. The interesting thing about the trip is the variety of things one sees on this tour.
Hope y'all are doing well.
Great pictures !!!
Great pics, Doug! Even before I saw who posted them, I thought to myself, "those pics are as good as Doug's."
Thanks! We're in SLC right now, post-days. We narrowly escaped the Yellowstone disaster. I'm at the Grand American, and it's a fantastic hotel, beyond the pale -- e.g. there are so many high speed elevators that we've never waited more than a few seconds to get a ride. Also haven't seen a bathtub fill so fast, LOL.
Here's one I just finished working on. I don't recall how old he is, but "Grandpa" was loading us onto the wagons at the TA Ranch and then served as a guide. Thought the pic came out as sort of a character study.

Just finished my photo gallery from Legends of the American West. Great trip, lots of variety. You can view it here:
Doug very kindly sent me a copy of one of his stunning prints a few years ago which is framed and displayed along with some of my more amateur attempts!
Great pics, as always, Doug. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much!
Just signed up for Spain-Portugal, May 14, 2023; seems like an inactive forum. Have no idea if the pics are going to be interesting.
Going back to WY for another workshop next month. It's nice for photography nuts because the Wranglers are set up for being models -- the kids expect it. Below are a few more from the Legends trip -- my interpretation of Old Faithful, taken at sunrise. Cody rodeo was fun, but getting close to the action was difficult.
Love rodeos!
Doug, being the great photographer that you are (I've loved seeing the photos that you've posted from time-to-time) I think you need to work on your Icon that appears to the left of your Images... user name with each post.
The Icon looks like just a grayish/black blob.
I expect a spectacular Icon from you. Check out gladysorlando984's icon in the thread above.
I hope to see a new and improved Images_Quirky_Eye Icon!
Come on Sam, are you referring to his "Avatar"?
Let's get the terminology correct so we all don't go blind looking for a dark "icon."
Evidently the forum avatar software can't deal with the fine detail/pixels- click on his "grayish/black blob" or look below to see what it is supposed to look like. But yes, it could be better. 
AlanS - Perhaps you should work for Doug. Your avatar ( my icon ) looks way better than what shows up next to his Images… user name. He should hire you to improve his avatar that appears by his username, after all you are the Guru / Godfather of all things forum. The way it is now ( a black/gray blob ) is not up to Doug’s photographer skills. 😀😀
Quirky eye, ignore these two!
Hmm. Good point. Never even noticed my icon or Avatar. Did it so long ago, Right now, preoccupied with getting ready for another workshop in three weeks in WY. Going way out into an area of the Badlands that's relatively untouched, and ending with another local, Friday night rodeo.
If you folks ever run into me on a Tauck trip, I've gotten worse -- now use big, heavy, pro Canons and look like a pack mule on tours. But, to continue a discussion from years back, there's a huge difference in quality of the images I now take, but it can't be noticed online. The images above were taken a big distance away -- even my tele couldn't capture what I wanted, and I had to crop the photo to get the composition I wanted.
But hey, it's also even more true that you can do wonderful things with your Smartphones - they just keep getting better and better. I've also been looking at videos for our Spain/Portugal trip and I hope we'll get some Flamenco!
BTW, I made a lot of friends on the Legends tour -- I gave them images for their Facebook pages.
I'll let you know if I can edit my avatar.
Look forwards to seeing more of your photos!
Doug - Great improvement on you AVATAR.
Just returned from Dubois, Wyoming. Spent some time trying to get a feel for the Western culture, talking to the locals in this town of 900+.
Attended the neighborhood Friday night rodeo too, much more interesting than the commercial ones.
You can view more images here: