I got my Real ID driver's license in California when my license came up for renewal. I don't remember any additional charge for the renewal with Real ID compared to a renewal without Real ID. They've been trying to get everyone to get a Real ID driver's license so it seems odd that they would charge more for it.
I did have to take certain documentation with me, but it was not difficult. They gave me the list of documents I needed, and I just followed it.
My understanding is that any government issued ID will work, but one time I tried to use my VA ID and the guy asked me for my driver's license. To get the VA ID I had to show my passport and DD-214 at the VA center and they took a picture of me to put on the ID. So, they had good documentation that I was a US citizen.
Yes, we had to pay extra for a real ID in California. Gas is s fun 6.50 a gallon! I don’t know if a drivers license is expiring, if the Real ID would then cost more. I don’t always carry my passport when traveling within the United States then I just take my driver’s license with my Real Id.
In Colorado, my RealID DL just showed up in the mail with an online renewal. I didn't have to go to DMV and don't remember if there was an extra fee involved.
BKMD, gladysorlando984 - Do you have an option to renew your license in a non-RealID mode? If not, then there is only one price in your state for driver's licenses. If you had a choice of type and both types had the same price they it's a true apples to apples comparison and in your state the price is the same regardless of type.
When I got my RealId drivers license in 2018 you had a choice for a RealID driver's license or the non-RealID driver's license. The RealID version came with a price about $10 higher than the non-RealID license.
Sam - Last time I renewed it was online, there was not a choice for Real ID or not, when I received my new drivers license it had the Real ID star, I'm in Florida
In Washington state an enhanced drivers license or ID cost $78 and a standard license is $54. Each good for 6 years. We got the enhanced and had to show our proof of citizenship, Social Security number, Identity Verification and proof of Washington residency. It was a bit of a PITA to get these.
How do you copy a post, as BKMD did one post up, and then reply to it? I know how to do it on other forums but don't know how this forum software works.
MikeHenderson - Put a greater than sign ( > ) as the first character in the line, then copy and paste the text you want to quote. Yes, it's a little more work on this forum.
British - when does the gov't give you anything for free, unless you're poor?
How do you copy a post, as BKMD did one post up, and then reply to it? I know how to do it on other forums but don't know how this forum software works.
Copy and paste the text to be quoted, add some asterisks for bolding of the quoted person's name if you want it to look like a quote format on the old forum software, and put 'greater than' symbols in front of lines/paragraphs, like this:
MikeHenderson - Put a greater than sign ( > ) as the first character in the line, then copy and paste the text you want to quote. Yes, it's a little more work on this forum.
Got it! Thanks for the instructions! Thanks to AlanS, also. Is there some documentation somewhere on how to do things like that on this forum?
10:11PM edited 10:14PM
. . . Is there some documentation somewhere on how to do things like that on this forum?
Unfortunately no. The forum uses Markdown language- a simplified text editing software with a few very limited html-like features. I can send you a cheat sheet that will show you how to do some things such as:
Insert Special Text and symbols:
In addition to bold, italics, and strike-through which are on the tool bar, you can
Superscript: E=MC2
Subscript: H2O
ALT Codes can be used for special characters, foreign language characters, symbols, currency (£ , € etc.), a fuller range of imoji 😍, 😱 etc. Alt 248 or Alt 0176 yields a degree symbol 98.6° F (not all Alt codes work with MacOS)
Tiny Text
Jumbo Text . . . and all sizes in between
Text with colorText with colorText with color
embed links: This is a Link to the Tauck Homepage with or without color, bolding, or underline. The best time to use an embedded link is when the URL is very long. The new software firewall protects the forum from malware, but some folks will not click on embedded links. You can always see the full URL by just placing the cursor over the link- the URL will appear in the lower left of a Windows device.)
You can upload images directly from your device (PC, tablet, smart phone) or from the internet (use upload image icon (sun and mountain) on the tool bar.) You can not rotate images using forum software, images must be in the correct orientation before you upload them. If an image is rotated 90° after uploading to a post, delete it from your post, make a copy of the original and rotate it in the opposite direction using software on your device, most image viewers have this capability. Give the image a new name and save it to your desktop, or other convenient location before uploading it to your post.
You can not upload videos but can insert a window link to a video that is on YouTube or other video hosting sites.
Use the "Attach file" icon to attach certain files (word documents, spreadsheets, PDF's, etc.) to a post or a private message (PM.)
Most of the techniques discussed above will also work in a PM.
Posts and PM's have maximum character limits but I forget what it is.
In New Jersey you can not get a Real ID online, must be done in person via an appointment which is difficult to schedule, approximately 2 months out. Real ID's cost 35 in NJ compared to 24 for regular license
In NC it is harder getting real ID than passport or Global Entry. You need originals of birth certificates- my wife only has a copy. We use our military IDs which we always carry, or more often, since most of our domestic flights are connections to international flights, we just use our passports.
MikeHenderson, being somewhat new to the Tauck forum you will quickly learn that AlanS is the Forum Guru. If it can be done, then AlanS has done it and likely has a tutorial for how to do it that he can pass along.
I don't know your age, but if you are old enough to recall Gilligan's Island TV show, then think the Professor, when you think of AlanS.
Smiling Sam
I don't know your age, but if you are old enough to recall Gilligan's Island TV show, then think the Professor, when you think of AlanS
I was an old man when Gilligan's Island came on TV . But for some reason I never watched that show, so I don't know the theme music.
I spent my career as an electrical engineer (mostly modem design), so I have a fair amount of computer experience and do web stuff for our travel blog. I know enough html to get by, but not much.
I got my Real ID driver's license in California when my license came up for renewal. I don't remember any additional charge for the renewal with Real ID compared to a renewal without Real ID. They've been trying to get everyone to get a Real ID driver's license so it seems odd that they would charge more for it.
I did have to take certain documentation with me, but it was not difficult. They gave me the list of documents I needed, and I just followed it.
My understanding is that any government issued ID will work, but one time I tried to use my VA ID and the guy asked me for my driver's license. To get the VA ID I had to show my passport and DD-214 at the VA center and they took a picture of me to put on the ID. So, they had good documentation that I was a US citizen.
Yes, we had to pay extra for a real ID in California. Gas is s fun 6.50 a gallon! I don’t know if a drivers license is expiring, if the Real ID would then cost more. I don’t always carry my passport when traveling within the United States then I just take my driver’s license with my Real Id.
In Colorado, my RealID DL just showed up in the mail with an online renewal. I didn't have to go to DMV and don't remember if there was an extra fee involved.
My came with renewal, no extra fee.
BKMD, gladysorlando984 - Do you have an option to renew your license in a non-RealID mode? If not, then there is only one price in your state for driver's licenses. If you had a choice of type and both types had the same price they it's a true apples to apples comparison and in your state the price is the same regardless of type.
When I got my RealId drivers license in 2018 you had a choice for a RealID driver's license or the non-RealID driver's license. The RealID version came with a price about $10 higher than the non-RealID license.
Sam - Last time I renewed it was online, there was not a choice for Real ID or not, when I received my new drivers license it had the Real ID star, I'm in Florida
No option for me, either.
I don’t think we even pay for any type of Drivers license in PA
British — Which side of the road do you drive on in PA? 😂
😂😂😂the wrong side!
Which rock have you been living under?
P.S. I lived in PA for 30 years.
In Washington state an enhanced drivers license or ID cost $78 and a standard license is $54. Each good for 6 years. We got the enhanced and had to show our proof of citizenship, Social Security number, Identity Verification and proof of Washington residency. It was a bit of a PITA to get these.
How do you copy a post, as BKMD did one post up, and then reply to it? I know how to do it on other forums but don't know how this forum software works.
John S, I think the more west you go, the pricier things get.
I guess I’m a ‘Kept Woman’ and don’t have to worry about such things. I really didn’t know there was a fee.
British, you always make me laugh. They do say, laughter is the best medicine.
MikeHenderson - Put a greater than sign ( > ) as the first character in the line, then copy and paste the text you want to quote. Yes, it's a little more work on this forum.
British - when does the gov't give you anything for free, unless you're poor?
(edited for typo)
Copy and paste the text to be quoted, add some asterisks for bolding of the quoted person's name if you want it to look like a quote format on the old forum software, and put 'greater than' symbols in front of lines/paragraphs, like this:
Got it! Thanks for the instructions! Thanks to AlanS, also. Is there some documentation somewhere on how to do things like that on this forum?
Unfortunately no. The forum uses Markdown language- a simplified text editing software with a few very limited html-like features. I can send you a cheat sheet that will show you how to do some things such as:
Insert Special Text and symbols:
In addition to bold, italics, and strike-through which are on the tool bar, you can
Superscript: E=MC2
Subscript: H2O
ALT Codes can be used for special characters, foreign language characters, symbols, currency (£ , € etc.), a fuller range of imoji 😍, 😱 etc. Alt 248 or Alt 0176 yields a degree symbol 98.6° F (not all Alt codes work with MacOS)
Tiny Text
Jumbo Text . . . and all sizes in between
Text with color Text with color Text with color
embed links: This is a Link to the Tauck Homepage with or without color, bolding, or underline. The best time to use an embedded link is when the URL is very long. The new software firewall protects the forum from malware, but some folks will not click on embedded links. You can always see the full URL by just placing the cursor over the link- the URL will appear in the lower left of a Windows device.)
full URL link without color: https://tauck.com/
You can upload images directly from your device (PC, tablet, smart phone) or from the internet (use upload image icon (sun and mountain) on the tool bar.) You can not rotate images using forum software, images must be in the correct orientation before you upload them. If an image is rotated 90° after uploading to a post, delete it from your post, make a copy of the original and rotate it in the opposite direction using software on your device, most image viewers have this capability. Give the image a new name and save it to your desktop, or other convenient location before uploading it to your post.
You can not upload videos but can insert a window link to a video that is on YouTube or other video hosting sites.
Use the "Attach file" icon to attach certain files (word documents, spreadsheets, PDF's, etc.) to a post or a private message (PM.)
Most of the techniques discussed above will also work in a PM.
Posts and PM's have maximum character limits but I forget what it is.
In New Jersey you can not get a Real ID online, must be done in person via an appointment which is difficult to schedule, approximately 2 months out. Real ID's cost 35 in NJ compared to 24 for regular license
In NC it is harder getting real ID than passport or Global Entry. You need originals of birth certificates- my wife only has a copy. We use our military IDs which we always carry, or more often, since most of our domestic flights are connections to international flights, we just use our passports.
Thanks, AlanS. I can look up the Markup language.
MikeHenderson, being somewhat new to the Tauck forum you will quickly learn that AlanS is the Forum Guru. If it can be done, then AlanS has done it and likely has a tutorial for how to do it that he can pass along.
I don't know your age, but if you are old enough to recall Gilligan's Island TV show, then think the Professor, when you think of AlanS.
My husband constantly hums the theme song to Gilligans Island.
OurTravels34 - Thanks a lot. Guess what's now stuck in my head. 😂
A three hour tour...
Alan should produce his own green ebook for forum use.
I was an old man when Gilligan's Island came on TV
. But for some reason I never watched that show, so I don't know the theme music.
I spent my career as an electrical engineer (mostly modem design), so I have a fair amount of computer experience and do web stuff for our travel blog. I know enough html to get by, but not much.
MikeHenderson - If you were old when GHillgan's Island was on, does that mean your designs included using 12AX7's as audio amplifiers?