Package from Tauck

Just re3ceived a 2.5 lb cardbaord-wrapped package from Tauck. Thought to myself, "boy, this must be the mother of all tour catalogs." Turns out it's a beautiful book about the Vatican Museums, as follow-up to my recent tour. Thank you Tauck!

Only problem is the book is about 15 inches tall and won't fit in any of my bookshelves :(


  • lay it down flat and stack books on top of it, or a photo frame and knickknacks on top of it - bookshelves look great with books standing up and laying flat with things on them - that's how interior designers do bookcases/shelves - it looks so nice.

  • Just out of curiosity bkmd what other little gifts did you get on the tour? For us it was a bit sparse compared to other tours - 2 postcards and 2 very small glass ornaments.

  • Claudia - we haven't received gifts on land tours or river cruise in a few years. I remember when we did. We used to get a regional gift every night on our river cruises - they were on our bed each night after dinner from the area we visited, but our past 2 river cruises and past 1 land tour . . we got no gifts. I always wonder if it's TD/TG dependent as we have friends who went on some of the same tours/cruises that did get a few gifts . . .

  • TD’s always did get a discretionary amount of money that they could spend as they wished for each person. Come to think of it, that does not happen so much. Years ago probably on one of our very early tours, I remember the TD seeing me about to buy a small painting. He strongly discouraged me. Later on the tour, we all got one. Lately, on some tours, we have received a DVD when we get home, such as the Vietnam War, or the National Parks. So many people no longer have DVD players, maybe the books are a replacement. Quite frankly, I wish they would just include more meals or less ‘free time because it’s extra work to figure out when/ what time to book extra site seeing these days as it’s rarely possible to just turn up, you need advance tickets.

  • terrilynn - good idea. It may become a coffee table book. Thanks!

    Claudia - Less than "usual." Some chocolates and candies, a 2025 calendar with pics of Florence on each page, and the TD arranged for a group photo outside Sistine Chapel, if that counts. When I asked her if Tauck reinstated the group photo, she said no, it from from her discretionary funds.

  • We’ve occasionally received gifts from the TD while on tour. I particularly liked the sand painting in a bottle that we received on the Israel-Jordan trip. We’ve also received the cosmetics bag before our forthcoming Iceland trip, and DVDs following other trips. Sometimes we were recipients of an extra excursion or meal while on tour. The one gift I didn’t totally appreciate were the Christmas ornaments we received on a Rhine River Cruise—being Jewish, we don’t celebrate Christmas and don’t have a tree on which to hang ornaments. I thanked the TD, and kindly explained that to her. Her reply to me was that in Europe they call Hanukkah “Jewish Christmas,” which I find hard to believe. Thus, I re-gifted the ornaments when I got home.

  • Our TD in Namibia was so kind and generous. We arrived at the Weinberg in Windhoek and found our Tauck water bottles had been placed in beautiful tote bags made by a women’s cooperative. The African cotton cloth is gorgeous. Next, at the Windhoek airport on our way to Kwessi Dunes, the TD presented us with buffs. We also each received a black and white bracelet made of PVC with Namibia etched on it; really attractive on both men and women. She took many group photos of us through out the trip and shared them on What’sApp. At our Farewell Dinner she showed a beautiful video she had made of our entire safari and we received a digital copy on our phones. Namibia was truly epic with the best TD I have had in my five trips to Africa. In my experience, a good TD can really make a Tauck trip even more special.

  • Yes its been my understanding the TD has funds for extras that could be gifts, food, or sightseeing. Its always varied. Our Scotland tour last year included inexpensive scarves, shopping bags, a book about Holyrood house and beautiful whisky glasses. But we also got cheated out of our farewell dinner at Balmoral so maybe that freed up some funds.

    Its not a make or break thing but we have enjoyed using some of the items and remembering our tour.

  • On our Dec 2023 holiday tour, one of the directors approached me saying she had overheard my husband telling another guest that he would no longer be traveling long distances (too difficult now). I thought nothing of it and had a lovely chat with her. About two months after returning home, my husband received a beautiful card signed by multiple Tauck employees thanking him for his years of travel and wishing him well in his "retirement." Along with the card, he received a beautiful ceramic container with lid made by Tiffany--blue box and all. It has the Tauck logo and a map of the world. It's just another example of the incredible graciousness and class of Tauck.

  • kfnknfzk, what a lovely story! The best TDs are the best listeners.

  • SandyFeet - There are truly not enough superlatives to describe my admiration for Tauck.

  • A few of us who recently completed Spirit of the Desert; The National Parks of the Southwest received this:

  • Alan - I like it. Wanna trade for my Vatican Museum book? :)

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