Past Tauck tour were given list of people ahead of time and where they are from.

Have had no communication from Tauck this trip except for payment structure and general itinerary.


  • 15 trips and never given the list prior to arriving at the first hotel.

  • You will not be given the names of the other people in your group until you start the tour.

    Not sure what you mean by general itinerary, but shortly after final payment, more information is provided and is available on your online Tauck Guest Connections account. This includes contact information for the transport company that will be picking you up upon arrival.

  • A list of people will not given out in advance of a trip for “privacy purposes”.

  • I have never ever been given a list of people prior to a tour in 21 years of traveling with Tauck. Some other companies used to do it, but even those recently have stopped. I’m totally glad about that in this internet age.

  • I can’t remember what tour company it was but on one of our very first tours decades ago, that specific tour company sent the guest list along with other essential documents to the home of the person traveling, and the woman’s name on that guest list was not who lived in that home! Long story super short, the husband was not traveling with his wife! I’m not making this up.

  • I am going to Turkey with Smithsonian Journeys soon and just received a list of fellow travelers' names and home cities. It's my first time with them. It's been over 8 years since Tauck cancelled my booked trip to Turkey, and Tauck has not resumed tours to that country.

  • Tauck tour directors have mentioned that there was a man and woman traveling with Tauck, but it was his mistress, he was supposed to be on a business trip. Their names were put on the email list that used to go round to everyone from the tour and his wife saw an email from someone on the tour. Apparently she sued Tauck. That’s the story we heard. After that, the TD’s were told to have nothing to do with these lists, they stopped, but them people wanted them.back, so now the tour members have to do it and the TD may help by printing or emailing them to those who want to join in.

  • British: that is the exact story I heard too. How funny.

  • edited September 28

    The complaint I had was that a TD sent an email to everyone with all of the guests email addresses in the clear (instead of putting the addresses in the bcc: line). I have an objection to my email address being given out without my permission. [By "in the clear" I mean that I could see everyone's email address in the To: line. If I had hit "reply all" my reply would have gone to everyone. It's not that hard to use the bcc: line.]

    On other trips, the TD would ask people if they wanted to share their email address and would give a list of those people's email addresses to everyone.

  • Just finished tour 14 and have never gotten the detailed hourly schedule or guest list before the tour start. The overall schedule similar to the one Tauck uses to advertise the tour along with flight info, hotel addresses, packing list etc is now emailed as a link to a PDF to download or print. Also available in your Tauck website acct.

  • edited September 29

    We have been on 7 Tauck tours since '09. We received the guest list with names and city before most of our trips. I understand why this may not be a good practice but it did help me to already have memorized a few names in advance rather than attempt to learn them all at once. It was also an ice breaker to know where participants were from as often we had a connection with their area.

  • For those who—for whatever reason—may have privacy concerns, Tauck will not list your city and state if you advise them in advance. I believe there were a few times in which we did receive a guest list in advance of a tour, but that was infrequent and not recently.

    Regarding publishing e-mail addresses, for as long as I can remember Tauck always circulated a list towards the end of a tour allowing guests to add their e-mail addresses at their discretion. Should there be individuals we wish to keep in contact with, we share information privately.

    I remember one gentleman went from table to table during a farewell dinner taking photos of guests as he checked their names off his list. He didn't ask permission—just shoved his camera in their faces. Many declined, some not so graciously. I'm sure his intentions were good, however.

  • Maybe it was Mike. 😀

  • edited September 29

    Another tour company that listed names and city, one lady said when she got on her tour, a couple of people found out her address just from the name and city provided a few weeks before. They told her they drove by her house to see where she lived.

    I think it was a recent tour we were on where we had not provided each other our emails and the TD sent information to everyone and we got everyone’s email. The more email groups you are on, the easiest it is to get hacked.
    When I’ve been posting photos here, I’ve been more careful of late of not showing photos of other people on the tour incase they don’t like it. Sorry Mike, I would not want to be on your blog photos, just my own opinion.

  • In 28 tours I have never received a list prior to the trip.

  • My husband and I have been on 14 Tauck tours, and we have never received an email list ahead of time on any of those tours. At the end of the tours, everyone has had the option to put his/her email address on a list to be shared by the group.
    There used to be a group photo made by the Tauck tour director and Tauck printed it and gave it to each person on the tour. However, that stopped several years ago on the tours we have been on. We were told that Tauck used to mail the photos to each person on the tour; a man was on the tour with his mistress, not his wife, but he had told her he was on a business trip. The photo was mailed to his home; his wife opened it and, of course, trouble followed. That is what we were told by a tour director when I asked why Tauck no longer provides each person with a group photo On the last Tauck tour that we were on, the tour director made a group photo of those who wished to be in it and emailed it to us.

  • edited September 30

    @British - Maybe it was Mike. 😀

    If that was directed towards me, I don't find it funny. It's insulting. I don't go around poking my camera into people's faces, and I don't think I've given anyone any indication that I would do that. My blog is about my wife and I.

  • edited September 30

    @British - Sorry Mike, I would not want to be on your blog photos, just my own opinion.

    If anyone tells me they do not want their picture taken, I don't take it. I don't have a goal of documenting everyone who is on the trip. My goal is to document our trip (my wife and I).

    I would prefer if you did not make comments about me - at all.

  • Sorry Mike, like your blogs.

  • edited September 30

    I think there's a difference in culture and perhaps upbringing. Perhaps you were raised with the concept that insults could be funny. I was not. I do not find comments like that funny - I find them to be an insult hiding behind a smiley face. Because of our cultural difference, I think it would be best if you do not make any comments about me.

  • Yes, obviously it was not meant to be an insult, just a British joke.

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