Switzerland Crown Jewel Trip Sept 12 - 22, 2025

We are celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2025 and are going on this fabulous Tauck Tour. We are arriving a day earlier and are also staying at the Lausanne Palace, Are there any other guests on the same trip? Also, if there are other guests that have been on this trip, do you have any recommendations or suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated as this is our first trip to Switzerland!
We have been looking at some really nice restaurants to eat at on our free evenings!
Thanks Leo & Linda


  • I wrote a review of this tour from Aug/Sep 2021 including what we did for our extra time in Lausanne. Lots to do.

  • My only warning is the slippery floor in the Ice Palace at the Jungfraujoch. You can purchase some traction slip-ons to wear in the Ice Palace. The traction slip-ons cannot have metal for the grip.

    I did not have anything and was very uncomfortable in the Ice Palace. I have some suggestions for grippers in my blog at https://www.mikeandjudytravel.com/2023-2Switzerland-03.htm#IcePalace

    If you want to see the whole trip, go to https://www.mikeandjudytravel.com/2023-2Switzerland-01.htm

  • We read Mike's blog prior to our trip and wore the grippers he described used by curlers. We felt very safe in the Ice Palace. The pictures on Mike's blog are beautiful. The day we went, it was snowing. We couldn't see much of anything (when outside) once we made it to the top. We did get nice pictures until we boarded the last cog wheel train. We still enjoyed the trip and are glad we went. The first picture below is one we took just before boarding the first train. The second picture is one we took from one of the terraces at the top.

  • McConville - we took this great tour in September of 2023. In Lausanne, we enjoyed walking up from the hotel to the old town and visiting the Cathedral, and taking the Metro down to the waterfront and visiting the Olympic Museum.

    I suggest that you review past posts on the Switzerland forum, as there is a lot of useful information from previous travelers. This was very helpful to me when preparing for our trip.

  • McConville,

    To celebrate your anniversary, you might check with the hotel concierge before your arrival and inquire about restaurants to celebrate your milestone. It appears your pre-tour stay might be the only time you have for a relaxed celebration. We have also found that many of Tauck's hotels have exceptional dining options and many with wine pairings. Just a suggestion. Have a wonderful tour.

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